Question about KoA


New Member
Hello, I'm a ToJ member, largely from my Warhammer Online days. I poke in every so often and saw ToJ has a FFXIV chapter. I recently picked up the game and like it a lot. I'm a casual player, a dad with a 9 month old son, and I really enjoyed being a part of ToJ in the past. However, before I say "sign me up!" for the linkshell I have two questions.

1) I saw that the chapter leader may be stepping down... is the chapter continuing?


2) I started on the Kanak server, which is nice and low in population. I would have to recreate my charater to join you all (which isn't a huge deal really, I only just reached rank 15), but I'm curious how the feel of the Mysidia server is? Would I have crowding issues starting a new character there?

1. I am not sure about the LS continuing or not, though I would like it too. I believe someone was stepping up to take over leadership, but I have not heard anything yet. I still have not gotten a LS invite yet and have been playing for a couple weeks now (no fault of anyone's; we are just on at different times). All I do is "friend" the guys from TOJ and try to connect when they are on.

2. I personally like a large pop server, and so far have not had any issues with crowding. It would always be nice to have other players to group with instead of PUG's so let me know if you jump on over.

On another note: you just hit rank 15 and are willing to start over? And it is no big deal? Blessings on you if you do. I got to rank 5 and thought I wanted to change my name, but decided not to due to the investment of time already.
Hello, I'm a ToJ member, largely from my Warhammer Online days. I poke in every so often and saw ToJ has a FFXIV chapter. I recently picked up the game and like it a lot. I'm a casual player, a dad with a 9 month old son, and I really enjoyed being a part of ToJ in the past. However, before I say "sign me up!" for the linkshell I have two questions.

1) I saw that the chapter leader may be stepping down... is the chapter continuing?

The chapter is continuing, whether or not I decide to step down... Currently I am undecided, things are just difficult for me right now due to mandatory overtime at work...


2) I started on the Kanak server, which is nice and low in population. I would have to recreate my charater to join you all (which isn't a huge deal really, I only just reached rank 15), but I'm curious how the feel of the Mysidia server is? Would I have crowding issues starting a new character there?

Mysidia is a rather high population server...but crowding is not really an issue...never have I felt there has been way to many in one place at a time...

1. I am not sure about the LS continuing or not, though I would like it too. I believe someone was stepping up to take over leadership, but I have not heard anything yet. I still have not gotten a LS invite yet and have been playing for a couple weeks now (no fault of anyone's; we are just on at different times). All I do is "friend" the guys from TOJ and try to connect when they are on.

The biggest issue here is that only officers can invite...there are 2 active officers including myself...due to work, I have not be able to get on, and my Co-leader works 12 hours days, and is going to school :P ...also...I would promote everyone to be able to invite...but in order to invite someone into the linkshell or promote them within the linkshell you have to be within range of eachother... I have logged on a few different times to check to see if anyone is on I could promote...but in those few times, there was no one on... (due to my log in times being either early morning or super late night...)

EDIT: Sometime in the next week I will announce a time and location... At this time people can meet up with me to get either invited or promoted to get the ability to invite... Sorry for the inconvenience...
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Thanks for the replies. It's good to hear that the linkshell will be continuing, regardless. I think I will go ahead and make a character on Mysidia, and start ranking up.

Even though I'm abandoning my original character... what's a week of play in an MMO? Most of that time was just spent coming up the learning curve anyways!

Initially I played a conjurer; however, that class is too fragile and slow ranking up. I'm thinking about going for a Marauder melee AE dps class this time around with a few white mage support abilities fo soloing or off tanking. Anyways, I'll take your suggestion Xaris and add you (and others) to my friends list so Mysidia won't seem so lonely starting out!

I don't really like crafting in FFXIV, mainly due to the slow UI. If I go Marauder, I'm not sure what to do for repairs once I get some gear post rank 10. Anyone have any ideas?

I'll likely start in Limsa Lominsa as I'm partial to the sea cliffs and fresh air! My character name is Alarus Rathe.
Thanks for the replies. It's good to hear that the linkshell will be continuing, regardless. I think I will go ahead and make a character on Mysidia, and start ranking up.

I don't really like crafting in FFXIV, mainly due to the slow UI. If I go Marauder, I'm not sure what to do for repairs once I get some gear post rank 10. Anyone have any ideas?

I'll likely start in Limsa Lominsa as I'm partial to the sea cliffs and fresh air! My character name is Alarus Rathe.

If we are online at the same time (I usually play around 8-11PM GMT since I'm from the EU) I would gladly help with repairs since I quite like the crafting stuff.

Not really high ranked in something yet since I'm something of a slow leveller. Having all crafting professions except cooking at rank 10 or higher. Hope to ding 20 in first crafting profession in a week or two.

If hours or my ranks is not up to it, getting armour repairs in Limsa should work well
There really isn't a market ward for repairs... but before you log for the evening couldn't you set your gear up for repairs on your retainer? That way, hopefully, when you come back to play your weapon and armor is all set to go?

I know when I was ranking weaver on my first character I would jump all over repairs people had in their bazaar. It was free money! I'm just not sure where the best place to set your retainer would be, or if it would be better to just AFK at night in a town and hope people check your person bazaar and repair it.

I guess I could level blacksmithing just to keep my weapon up and rely on others for armor/jewlry.
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EDIT: Sometime in the next week I will announce a time and location... At this time people can meet up with me to get either invited or promoted to get the ability to invite... Sorry for the inconvenience...

This will probably be sometime late evening/night on Sunday...I will try to get a time posted here soon...
I'm a 16 Marauder and I can tell you..repairs are brutal after level 10-15. I wear gear that is a little higher than my level and I did a full repair at the LL vendor the other day and it cost close to 60k...It really makes more sense to either set up your gear in your bazaar like you said or find some armorers that can handle your level gear. They have the game set up that way to encourage more interaction...
Going nekkid overnight near the repair NPC with your gear in your bazaar seems to be the best bet for repairs you can't do. I find it helps to offer the repair materials and gil if possible. That way it's free SP to whomever repairs it at no cost to them. Shards also work as incentive.