Question on Guild Raid needs.


New Member
I have a dilemma. I have a resto shaman that is 25-man Uld ready and is my current main. I have seen a massive influx of shaman online lately and most are dual spec'd just as I am with resto. I am wondering if the guild raids would benefit more from my warlock.

Thoughts? Comments?
Sounds like heals is still in need. I'll just need to prioritize my raiding nights. I'm currently going to college on Monday nights, so I have to work around that. Thanks for the input.

You are a great healer Matt...
LOLz you've had some bad healing lately to say that :p
Most of the shamans you've been seeing are alts :p so I'd say keep Mattiah...there arent many shammies that are not alts and are ulduar geared. You and Kristeen are the only resto shammies that can do ulduar that i can think of right now.
Most of the shamans you've been seeing are alts :p so I'd say keep Mattiah...there arent many shammies that are not alts and are ulduar geared. You and Kristeen are the only resto shammies that can do ulduar that i can think of right now.

Tree would be so sad to read that forgot his leetness.
He has been playing banker and making the guild rich, rich, RICH! And you guys didn't even notice........
Im so flattered! unfortunately i havn't been on lately, but Fierce, you will be happy to know that im back and ready to heal!