Ranked and League Games


Active Member
So a couple of questions here.

I am considering joining in for season 3. anyone done the ranked league thing? Thoughts on the new set up? I know I can go in as a noob or so it seems.

Also, I need 16 Champs. Is it better to buy a pack? Or pick some of the champs individually? I currently own- Malphite, Dr. Mundo, Alistar, Kog'maw, Poppy and Warrick.
I play ranked regularly and I'm about 1500 currently. I personally think the new set up will be good. It works really well in Starcraft...

And the 16 champs... Just buy all the cheap ones with IP. That's what I did.
Get 2 champions per lane you are good with, at least 4 rune pages, ADC/Top (alot of Tops can run similar runes but different masteries), Support, AP, Jungler (hard to get just 1 page), and I prefer to have 2 more pages for more versatility.

I also recommend learning counters which can be found easily online. such as http://www.championselect.net/
Get Kat for mid, mastering her and learning your counters will easily get you of the lower elo bracket.
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Interesting. I have two top/jungle/tanks - Malphite and Amu but they get insta ban. I have Alistar as support and he gets the ban hammer too.
It's hard to pick those champs because they're huge play makers. They are almost always instabanned at low elos. Try mastering champs that aren't regularly banned.

I currently only play Zed and Riven.
Learn all the roles in normal mode first, you will still play well in ranked games, but when you can play all the roles, your % winning rises.

My personal suggestions/favorites to play in each lane.

Top: Jayce
Mid: Ahri, Cassiopia, Lux, Veigar, Kat, Morgana
ADC: Kog maw, Draven, Tristana (tristana is my number 1 recommendation when learning ADC)
Support: Sona, Taric, Blitzcrank (he gets banned so much) and Nidalee (im weird, but i <3 spears n heals)
Jungler: Rengar, Fiddlesticks, Hecarim (don't own him, but hes a great jungler)

Keep in mind when midding that you MUST attempt to counter, and if you get countered, read the comments on my previous link about each matchup to learn what to do.
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Learn all the roles in normal mode first, you will still play well in ranked games, but when you can play all the roles, your % winning rises.

My personal suggestions/favorites to play in each lane.

Top: Jayce
Mid: Ahri, Cassiopia, Lux, Veigar, Kat, Morgana
ADC: Kog maw, Draven, Tristana (tristana is my number 1 recommendation when learning ADC)
Support: Sona, Taric, Blitzcrank (he gets banned so much) and Nidalee (im weird, but i <3 spears n heals)
Jungler: Rengar, Fiddlesticks, Hecarim (don't own him, but hes a great jungler)

Keep in mind when midding that you MUST attempt to counter, and if you get countered, read the comments on my previous link about each matchup to learn what to do.
Some good advice here.

I've found that I have a much higher win percentage if I stick to a handful of champions. Pick a position and try and play that position every game. Also pick 1 or 2 champions for that position that is your go to champion. It definitely helps to be able to fill any role, but you'll have a much higher win rate when you can master 1 or 2 champions.

For me I have a very small amount of champions that I always play. 9 times out of 10 I will always pick Zed and play either mid, top or jungle with him. It definitely helps mastering 1 champion. It gives you the knowledge to play that champion in any situation and any lane.

Top: Riven or Zed
Mid: Ahri or Zed
Jungle: Zed
ADC: Ezreal, Cait or Graves
Support: Taric
Now that I have Hecarim, he is the most fun ive ever had playing league, i follow the top rated mobafire guide, and totally wreck people, I'm practicing in normals till i feel good enough to carry myself out of ranked h***.
Add Hakunamateo and invite me to normals :)
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Are you guys doing teams for league of legends? I played some ranked games and I always seems to get matched with id... people who don't want to have fun. I am not all that good, but I am playing for fun and all I want to to find other players that don't scream at you for any little mistake and write "report x" the whole game.

I play on both EU.

Are you guys doing teams for league of legends?
I play on both EU.

Not sure if we can add you if you are on EU, But to answer your question, we have not been all that organized in ranked...yet... working on it...