Reasonable's 3 builds. That's right, 3.


New Member
I have contemplated a few builds. Once when the BC comes out and respeccing my lvl 60 build, and then how will my final spec look at lvl 70.

Level 60 spec now - 29/0/22

Level 60 respec when the BC comes out - 7/0/44

Level 70 respec when I finally get there - 40/0/21

As you can tell, both builds are VERY different from each other. I went with the first build for leveling purposes. As it sits now, I'm a 29/0/22 build and LOVE it. However I have this for mana usage, and ginding. Some might not think this is a good grinding build, however down time is reduced greatly causing me to grind longer. This helps me a lot. But questing up to level 70 is not going to be easy with my current build so I'll respec to the one mentioned above once BC comes out for damage purposes.
I love your 29/0/22 build, and may go that route sometime in the future.

Amongst the mage community, it's basically considered the "uber, best, very-end-game, raiding build possible" because it's got high damage/penetration AND (just as importantly) high mana-/threat-efficiency. (This doesn't take into account Rolling Ignites, of course).

I'm still really really undecided about what route to take once the expansion comes :)
Just giving an update on how Reasonable is doing as far as builds go. I'm still 29/0/22 spec at this moment. I will be until BC comes out. I'm finding it very easy to grind in WPL and sort of difficult to farm in Silithus with this build. Every up has an equal and opposite down I guess.

Anyway, on the the nature of my post. Everyone is going to get a respec when BC comes out. So, my level 60 build when I get my respec is this. 10/0/41 What this build will also me to do is grind my way up to the mid level 60's in WPL and in Silithus. Everyone should know by now that I love grinding. A lot of people hate it, however I love doing it. I always challange myself to grind faster and faster and faster, all the time. I think this is what keeps me going at it. This build will help out the damage meter, causeing me to do a lot more damage. It also allows me to AoE grind a bit if I choose to do so.

I chose to go deep into the frost tree instead of the arcane tree for a very good reason. My mage is not built around intellect, she is built around +damage. At equal lengths on the trees, the Arcane Tree offers Mind Mastery which at 5/5 increases spell damage by 25% of your total intellect. The problem is, I don't have a lot of intellect so this is kinda meh to me. The frost tree however offers, at the same length, Empowered Frostbold which at 5/5, gives my frostbolt an additional 10% of my spell damage bonus affects and an additional 5% to crit. This will come in extremely handy while grinding. And no, I do not want the Water Elemental. I'm not a hunter. lol. I don't want a pet.

I'm not to set yet on a level 70 build as I won't need my "grinding build" anymore. I'm still messing around with the Arcane Tree and the Frost tree to get the best damage/mana at level 70 to be effective in all aspects.

Now, the main thing is, can I get that Crimson Felt Hat BEFORE BC comes out? I doubt it. lol