

New Member
Hey everyone!

First off I have missed you all. So many have come and gone and are currently not playing. But this got me thinking, Lisa and Shagz too...

We were having a typical WoW Nostalgia conversation... But that led me to something else... We cannot get old school wow back, and lets be real... we don’t really want that back. What we do want is that fun feeling we had exploring something new, accomplishing something. This game has gotten much simpler and leveling and gear is much easier to attain.

But what if...

What if we roll a new toon, horde side... and don’t give them any money, gear, or bags. What if we never use the Auction House till after the lvl cap and even then with the restriction of not buying something for a lower level alt?

That is what Lisa and I decided to do. We created a horde guild named "Rebirthing".

The rules are simple as they are the same as Redeemed, except the following.

1. No transferring of money, gear, items to this new toon.
2. No BOA's
3. No Auction House
4. Bags, and other crafted gear comes from in-guild resources only. Unless you have the mats and wish someone outside of the guild to make it, which is fine as long as the mats are attained via legitimate means that do not violate the rules above.

This is not meant to be a time sink, this is supposed to be fun, be a challenge, and give us all a reason to play together. A lot of us have not experienced the horde side, and if we have it was pre-cata. This gives us a chance to explore the world again together. A Chance to have some fun together without the pressure or stress.

All redeemed are welcome. Simply create a horde toon, message anyone in Rebirthing and you will get an invite. If no one is on, send me a message on the forums and we will get you in.

This is not a Redeemed replacement, play on your mains all you want! This is just something to do on the side for fun!

There is a bank with 2 tabs, a tabard, and a lot of fun awaiting us!

I hope you all take a few minutes to roll horde and join up, even if you only play once a month. We want you there.


Server will be: Bloodscalp - Horde

see you all there...
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It will be fun guys! Even Blu's wife is gonna play. Come meet Mrs. BluBarry! Great time to try out a goblin =P
If I still played I'd probably follow you guys around on Engris and bother you :) I use to enjoy sapping low level hordes lol XD
on stonemaul? can I put my alts in there? That would probably help with leveling the guild. I have an 85 dk, 85 hunter, and a 74 priest.
The server is being Discussed... I will have an answer shortly!!

but no... no alts :) start at lvl one... we do this the way it was designed, from the begining! Thats why it wil be a challenge! but I do apreciate that Darksorrow...
Stonemaul was the original spot...

Looking at the list... Bloodscalp would be the alternate... PVP, but not a full server...
just do a /who for Rebirthing... just whisper anyone in the guild and mention redeemed for an invite!

I am also playing Blumoo and Bluish... :)
This sounds pretty fun and neat idea. I do find it kind of hard to play without hierlooms/gold now, guess I'm spoiled. *hehe* My account has expired for now, but I do play a trial account a little bit. I'll probably make a toon there and check it out. :D
Actually, The rules were edited Slightly to allow for selling of stuff on the AH.... You can even buy on the AH as long as you only use money you earned from quests and the vendering of items.

The idea is simply to make this as close to the way orginal wow was as possible... Early wow the AH was expensive and not for everyone, and i think we are all starting fresh with no outside help... so it will sort of re-create that...
It is aweful not having bag space!! I even bought a bag from a vendor!! A VENDOR! and BG I am getting ROCKED!
lol! i am 64rep away from rvered so i can buy 16 slot bags... but i went broke buying the riding skill at lvl 20!

it is much different without the help of all of the stuff we have on stonemaul...