I'm about 1-2 hours into Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and I'm loving it so far. Nice to shut out the static of all the Nintendo doomsayers and remember just how amazing their developers are.
I have every intention of picking up Bravely Default at some point. I spent more hours than I care to admit playing the demo and I unlocked all the bonuses. I want to clear some more of my backlog before buying another game (especially one that likely won't drop below $30 any time soon, if ever), though.
I also intend to pick up Fire Emblem: Awakening at some point, and that's high praise coming from someone who usually doesn't play strategy RPGs. I played the FE:A demo and enjoyed it much more than I expected to.
I'll be watching early reviews for Persona Q after it's released. If it favors Persona 3 and 4 over Etrian Odyssey for gameplay influence (no offense intended toward EO players; I just don't care for manual mapmaking and grinding), I'll probably pick it up on a sale eventually.
I have Shin Megami Tensei IV on my Amazon wish list, but I'm waiting until it drops to $30 or less before I buy it. I know the eShop has had SMT IV on sale for $30 previously, but I refuse to spend much, if anything, on the eShop while the purchases are still tied to the hardware. I <3 Nintendo, but they are about as daft as they come when it comes to digital storefronts.