Not much has happened the day after. I suggested to my dad that he go to work as occupational therapy. However, because he feels so empty without mom, he feels the need to be home because being around me and my sister help to remind him of mom.
We went to the hospital to collect mom's things, went to the doctor to schedule a TB appointment as well as get a physical, and we went to the insurance company to take mom off the plan. We discovered that her life plan allowed for $25k. So, that will help pay off the medical bills.
When we got home, we went through mom's stuff to make sure it was all together. Unfortunately, her cell phone got lost. My dad told the hospital and they're working on looking for it. We tried calling it. But, either, the battery is dead or it's turned off. I'm hoping that she touched enough people that they'll work hard to find the cell phone. If not, we'll have to disable it on the plan.
I thought about what she might have on it. But, the thing is she hardly did stuff with her netbook or desktop computer. She would mainly get on to check the traffic for dad, go online shopping, or pay the bills. As such, if nothing else, I would just want to save the 32 GB SD card so that my sister can use it with her music.
We started thinking about things we could do with her stuff (donations, convert her old room, etc.). But, I think it's still too raw to even think about that.
My dad works at Daystar TV and, when Marcus and Joni Lamb heard about this, they offered to do something in her name. At the moment, we're thinking about them donating to our local cherity. Other ideas are welcome.
As I was going over all my old messages I had sent between her and me over the last few months, I realized that there was stuff I might want to save. Fortunately, I found an app that allowed me to take all the SMS messages and dump them into Gmail. I them downloaded them via THunderbird to my PC for safe keeping. As I was going through the stuff, I found one text conversation that was going on while I was grocery shopping. she wanted me to buy a specific brand of orange juice. I knew what the product was. I just couldn't name the brand. At that moment, for some reason, I just broke down crying. I don't know if it was because I couldn't remember the brand or because we each had our own vitamin C drinks we liked and her's wasn't on the list. I eventually found out it was Texsun. I want to say that there's nothing wrong with not buying that brand anymore. But, why does that feel wrong? Other foods she said she liked we all liked. So, why does this one think bother me?
At the same time, I was thinking about the fact that her voice was on the answering machine for answering messages. I knew that we had a CD with videos my grandfather ripped some years ago. I haven't looked through them all. But, we've got recordings from 1994 to 2000. I asked them how they felt about it, whether or not the only recordings we had of mom were old or new, and they seemed okay with it. So, even if we lose the message on the answering machine, we still have the videos.
I did find myself going through a range of emotions. I wasn't feeling the frustration I described in the other forum. It was more like fatigue. As dad repeated the story of what happened ot mom at every location we went, I found myself getting emotionally strung. I know he's upset. But, you kind of get to the point where you can get tired of hearing the same story over and over again, especially when you want to move on. I mentioned that I cried. But, one thing I found myself feeling was terrified. I still needed my mom's help to read how she inputted things in Quicken almost before she got the TB. What if I don't figure out what some things are and it screws up our payments? Fortunately, my dad said that we would deal with it when it came up.
One thing my dad did say to us that helped was that he believes that our family who are in heaven can hear us. He's read a lot of stories about people coming back to life and they say that they can hear their family from the other side. So, he was okay with us talking to her and he even told my sister that mom is watching the TV shows they used to watch together with her. I'm not sure what I would say to her though. It's not that we weren't close. But, the only times we talk was to have a candid conversation about something random. Obviously, she and dad were close and she and my sister were close because they were girls (fortunately, my aunt is willing to step up to fill this spot). But, as for me, I just found it easier to talk to people on the forums I visit as well as the VoIP chat rooms because they were, either, guys or nerds.
We went to the hospital to collect mom's things, went to the doctor to schedule a TB appointment as well as get a physical, and we went to the insurance company to take mom off the plan. We discovered that her life plan allowed for $25k. So, that will help pay off the medical bills.
When we got home, we went through mom's stuff to make sure it was all together. Unfortunately, her cell phone got lost. My dad told the hospital and they're working on looking for it. We tried calling it. But, either, the battery is dead or it's turned off. I'm hoping that she touched enough people that they'll work hard to find the cell phone. If not, we'll have to disable it on the plan.
I thought about what she might have on it. But, the thing is she hardly did stuff with her netbook or desktop computer. She would mainly get on to check the traffic for dad, go online shopping, or pay the bills. As such, if nothing else, I would just want to save the 32 GB SD card so that my sister can use it with her music.
We started thinking about things we could do with her stuff (donations, convert her old room, etc.). But, I think it's still too raw to even think about that.
My dad works at Daystar TV and, when Marcus and Joni Lamb heard about this, they offered to do something in her name. At the moment, we're thinking about them donating to our local cherity. Other ideas are welcome.
As I was going over all my old messages I had sent between her and me over the last few months, I realized that there was stuff I might want to save. Fortunately, I found an app that allowed me to take all the SMS messages and dump them into Gmail. I them downloaded them via THunderbird to my PC for safe keeping. As I was going through the stuff, I found one text conversation that was going on while I was grocery shopping. she wanted me to buy a specific brand of orange juice. I knew what the product was. I just couldn't name the brand. At that moment, for some reason, I just broke down crying. I don't know if it was because I couldn't remember the brand or because we each had our own vitamin C drinks we liked and her's wasn't on the list. I eventually found out it was Texsun. I want to say that there's nothing wrong with not buying that brand anymore. But, why does that feel wrong? Other foods she said she liked we all liked. So, why does this one think bother me?
At the same time, I was thinking about the fact that her voice was on the answering machine for answering messages. I knew that we had a CD with videos my grandfather ripped some years ago. I haven't looked through them all. But, we've got recordings from 1994 to 2000. I asked them how they felt about it, whether or not the only recordings we had of mom were old or new, and they seemed okay with it. So, even if we lose the message on the answering machine, we still have the videos.
I did find myself going through a range of emotions. I wasn't feeling the frustration I described in the other forum. It was more like fatigue. As dad repeated the story of what happened ot mom at every location we went, I found myself getting emotionally strung. I know he's upset. But, you kind of get to the point where you can get tired of hearing the same story over and over again, especially when you want to move on. I mentioned that I cried. But, one thing I found myself feeling was terrified. I still needed my mom's help to read how she inputted things in Quicken almost before she got the TB. What if I don't figure out what some things are and it screws up our payments? Fortunately, my dad said that we would deal with it when it came up.
One thing my dad did say to us that helped was that he believes that our family who are in heaven can hear us. He's read a lot of stories about people coming back to life and they say that they can hear their family from the other side. So, he was okay with us talking to her and he even told my sister that mom is watching the TV shows they used to watch together with her. I'm not sure what I would say to her though. It's not that we weren't close. But, the only times we talk was to have a candid conversation about something random. Obviously, she and dad were close and she and my sister were close because they were girls (fortunately, my aunt is willing to step up to fill this spot). But, as for me, I just found it easier to talk to people on the forums I visit as well as the VoIP chat rooms because they were, either, guys or nerds.