Requesting In-game help on HM stuff


New Member
Hey guys/gals. Zephy from [HsC] here. It's been on my mind for awhile now, but I need some help. I have some HM missions/bonuses that I need help on, in order to complete my mission books as well as the guardian title tracks. I'd hate to have to Hero/Hench them because well.... it's so much better when there's real humans in the party and/or more heroes than henchies. So here's the list of what I need:

The Wilds [ Mission / Bonus ]
Aurora Glade [ Bonus ]
Elona Reach [ Mission / Bonus ]
Ice Caves of Sorrow [ Mission / Bonus ]
The Dragon's Lair [ Mission / Bonus ]

Nundu Bay (Master Reward)
Pogahn Passage (Master Reward)
Rilohn Refuge (Master Reward)
Moddok Crevice (Master Reward)
Gate of Desolation (Master Reward)
Dzagonur Bastion (Master Reward)
Gate of Pain (Master Reward)

-- Already have Guardian of Cantha title --

So, if I'm online, PM me ingame if you're interested in helping:
Zephy The Samsonite

I'll update and edit this list as need be; and I thank you ahead of time.
I am working on hard mode missions - with bonuses or masters.

When are you usually on? Is Zephy The Samsonite your in-game name?
When are you usually on? Is Zephy The Samsonite your in-game name?

I've been sporadically logging on during the past few weeks, but I'll try to increase my GW attendance, at least while the list needs completing. When I do log on, I'll be on during the evenings. I'm in the Eastern timezone. And yes, that's my ingame name.
I just got my new necro to those areas in the Desert, so I'll be more than happy to run back through them in HM.
Same here - just put something up on chat or pm me so I'll know you are there - and I'll do the same.