Ret Paladins please read


New Member
Fellow Ret paladins,
In the past I've tried to give advice and tips where and when people ask for them but it seems that may not have been enough. I try not to give advice to anyone unless it is first asked for because in my past guild I've seen people get very angry when people comment on a poor performance. However, I have noticed that quite a few of my Ret brothers are not performing where they should/could be. My purpose is not to belittle or demean anyone but to improve the perception of our Retness. I want all of Redeemed's Ret paladins to be top notch and represent the way Ret should be viewed. Aren't you tired of being told you can't go to heroics or almost any group for that matter? Lets change that perception.

This is why I'm going to hold a class this Thursday night in Blasted Lands. We will meet at Netherguarde Keep at 7:00 server time. Please bring at least 20-30 super mana or fel mana pots for this training. Also if you don't already have the mod "QUARTZ" I'd recommend picking that up as well. It will be used in this training.

I do not consider myself the best Ret paladin evarr I just know how to play this class. I've played a Ret paladin since Release and have never speced Holy or Prot. I'm consistently in the the top 4-6 on DPS in our 25 man raids. I hope you guys come out and have some fun and maybe learn something too :)
Also if anyone else wants to come out and cheer us on or respec to Ret for the evening please do. This is open to all Redeemed
Do you have a suggested talent build for the evening? Also, I take it a 2 hander is required?

2 Hander is a must... the slower the better.

I suggest this build... HERE but there are several small variations that work. You basically have 2 points to play around with once you get the essentials.
I really want to be there but I have friends in town and am not sure if I can make it but it is a great Idea and I will do my best to be there
I might have to respec just for the fun of it for this. Thanks for offering your time. :)
Dusting off my 2 hander in anticipation. Is it bad that my unarmed skill is higher then any of my 2 hand weapon skills?
Oooooo sounds like fun! Angryson wants to finish Kara on Thursday night depends if he needs my noob healing or not.
I might have to respec Hammerdrop for the occasion!

But seriously, I might tag along. I've always wondered about the complex inner workings of the ret pally. I'd like to find out what makes you tick. Will you be talking about what a "Shockadin" is?
if it wasnt this thursday , i would be going but i wont be home till sunday morning starting thursday at 11 am where i live.
tree , i know what a shockadin is seeing ive played one in the past.
Tree, I am currently spec'd shockadin. Shockadin is the next best thing to Retribution for single target DPS but it still lags far behind equivalently geared Retadins. For instance, I had 1200 spell damage in kara and was only putting out 600 dps and that is only because I could use exorcism on the undead mobs. The advantages of Shockadin is PvP. You take 40 points into holy which still leaves you very viable to heal but at a moments notice you can can drop a Judged Seal of Righteousness and Holy Shock combo for 3-5k damage.
Yes the Shockadin build is almost unfair for PVP imo... It's like I can heal like crazy and kill things too.
I found this on another site today and wanted to share. This really is most benificial for Blood Elf pallies but it also works for alliance in PVP.

How to Seal Twist

You swap seals when your swing animation, of any sorts, happens. Even if it isn’t a seal of command proc you can swap seals and still have SoJ proc off your white attack with this method. Seal of Command MUST be your starting seal, from there you can swap seals to any of the other seals that are procs. However, the only ones that would serve a high benefit is Seal of Justice, and for those lucky souls, Seal of Blood.

Seal of Command has a 1 sec internal cool down, also the reason it wont proc off of windfury or reckoning twice. These mechanics where put in place because before you could swing with a white attack and then your seal of command could be out of range, so they put them closer together, and this was their method.

Exploiting or creative use of mechanics? No one knows except Blizzard, but this is a make-shift substitute for a spell interrupt that is long over due.

Step 1. Put on seal of command

Step 2. Right as your swing animation happens (normal, socomm proc, or crit) swap seals to SoJ or SoB

Step 3. Profit

Practice on mobs first, it helps if you are binding SoJ to a simple key bind. Also know that because of GCDs it will be very hard to juggle your seals with your Crusader Strike up, so prioritize carefully.

I'm going to try this out tonight and maybe use it for PVP in the future.