RIFT goes free to play on June 12th

Interesting. Even after all this time it still annoys me I never found out if I could make the build idea I had work. I can't even remember all the details only that it annoys me XD. Whatever I don't have the time to play it and they've bound to have patched it anyway.
Yeah I am pretty excited. Been playing lately, got a new mage to 30. We have a good guild group already with upwards of 11 on each night. When it goes f2p we should add another 10+
Grey, Gator, and I will be hopping on for sure. Neverwinter wasn't really our bag. Technician/Marksman/Bard for my main most likely. Wanna give the other SL souls a shot. Was able to get the Raptr thing from my bro, too. :D
Grey, Gator, and I will be hopping on for sure. Neverwinter wasn't really our bag. Technician/Marksman/Bard for my main most likely. Wanna give the other SL souls a shot. Was able to get the Raptr thing from my bro, too. :D

Oh man you are cruel :p. I'd be great to be a pretty elf with you again and frolic through the forest killing mobs... no wait it wouldn't :p but it would be fun to play with all before you go turning Japanese on me. Can't though got things to do :) .
Been playing aLOT of RIFT lately. Got a new mage to 50. Our guild is going strong with some fantastic members. You should all check it out in 2 days when it goes free!

and for Icthus, I actually committed the next 6 months to RIFT, so no more game hopping. :)
Been playing aLOT of RIFT lately. Got a new mage to 50. Our guild is going strong with some fantastic members. You should all check it out in 2 days when it goes free!

and for Icthus, I actually committed the next 6 months to RIFT, so no more game hopping. :)

Faeblight, and server transfers are free!
They have a online chat support that is actually very helpful and has power to actually get things accomplished other then tell you to reboot.