RIP Joe Niekro


New Member
I just saw this today. Joe Niekro died of a brain aneurism at the age of 61 on Friday. He was a good pitcher with a great knuckle ball.

Another sad note for me is that it appears that Jeff Bagwell's career is officially over now that the Astros declined their option on him today. He was one of the greatest hitters in Astros history as the all-time leader in homeruns, RBIs, and walks. He's also been my favorite baseball player.

On a lighter note, how 'bout them Cowboys! Tony Romo looked pretty darn good Sunday night.
On a lighter note, how 'bout them Cowboys! Tony Romo looked pretty darn good Sunday night.
Must... not... say... a your mom joke...

Anyway, I've never really cared for baseball... I saw that, and I was like, "meh."

However, I was INFURIATED when Eddie Pope got teh bewt for a game or two in this year's FIFA world cup. I hated that ref. I had a ref like that a few weeks ago in my league, so I know what it's like to be frustrated by a terrible referee...

PLUS, he plays defense, like me, so he's like my sports hero ^_^
Are you kidding? All Houston needs is an O-Line and a running back. If they get those, Carr should be just fine.
I hated Romo but he Won me over Sunday night. And the Texans would be stupid to bench Car he is the best thing they have on Offense. Carr is in my top 10 NFL QBs he is a Great leader.
You wouldn't think so by the talk here this week. It's just as bad as all the Romo stuff.

I agree about the O line, that's always been our sore spot.

Hopefully Lundy will continue his performance and step up to be our #1 back.