I edited it.. there were too many http:// tags inside the URL tag... forgive I was still laughing too hard!

hehe nice.

Usually, if you accidently delete a profession, they won't restore it, but they will re-train your account in any patterns that you can prove that you had before (had a friend do this - she asked me if i still had gear she crafted so she could tell the GM which toons were wearing it)

LoL. I love to see the trolls get shut down like that.
Makes one wonder about the validity of anything that is anonymously posted anywhere on the internet. My opinion is, if people were forced to attach their full names to comments they post on the internet there would be a little less dishonesty... a little less.
A few other gems just from the front page today alone:
Best quote: "here's your [Tinfoil Hat].". It gets better as he tries to turn it into being a bug to being poor service because he can't read. Brilliant!

LOL! some people just have to complain about everything... funny they don't realize that everything they have ever logged in the support queue is available to the GM's and they can see if you are a habitual complainer of you actually log legitimate bugs...

As a former online game master let me just say; if you've heard the insane support calls that IT support techs get because someone can not figure out why their computer won't work in a power outage... [ sarcasm ] The ones GM's get are incredibly more intelligent [ /sarcasm ] Not to mention the griefers that come up with every possible attempt to scam something out of staff...