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My brother is hooked on a computer game call Runscape and I heard that it is a bad idea but would like to know more. Can someone tell me more about this game. I heard that it is not a game Christian should be playing, is that true?? Thanks.
I dont think it is that bad, i played it for like 3 o 4 months. The only thing that is in it, is Runes, which has symbols on them (I dont know if they are bad or anything), and there is things called "demons", but they look like dragons so its pretty much just a name. So i dont think there is many bad things on it. Go here to read more. They also have something on the game that cuts out bad lang and puts **** instead of the word.
Thank you MASH, what about World of War Craft?? Do you know anything about that one? I welcome any more information about Runscape.
I dont know much about that one, i do know alot of ToJ members play it tho. But most MMORGP have symbols and stuff in them, and Wizards and things, unless its like Star Wars Galaxies or something like that.
I still need help. Tell me more about ToJ= Tribe of Judah (ToJ) & MMORPG= Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.
well, Tribe of Judah is a christian clan, that plays games together, trying to get rid of cursing, cheating etc, on their servers so it can be a good enviroment for christians, and non christians as well. I am not sure how else to explain it. MMORPG, is where thousands of people play online at the same time, and you can usually trade, chat, and fight together (depends on the game). So you there is lots of different people from lots of different places and backgrounds, which is why i think MMORPG's are so cool.
So Icthus, looks like you have been playing WoW, what do you think of the game? What about the demons and magic? The review Phantom gave me said that the magic is no big deal (well, it is supposed to be good magic), but the demons are no good. I don't feel comfortable with any magic or demon.... old testimony straightly forbid that. Want to hear what you have to say.
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i don't know why you think runescape is bad.. it is not. sure it has demons and magic, but it's not anywhere near cultish or whatever you said...

I personally think it is no big deal, just like playing starwars or watching & or playing a lord of the rings game where there is magic and demon like things and etc... plus runescape staff are ethical, no swearing, no stealing, etc... i think it's ok, it's the addiction i'm more worreid about rather than the content.
Yeah, its very addicting (as is ALOT of other games), but Runescape was very very addicting, but it does get boring after a little bit.
yeah same here, it takes too long for you to lvl your charecters so it gets boring. I just log in to say hi to the friends i made over it...
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