
New Member
Hey all, just wanna inform you that next wednsday (September 17'th) is S.Y.A.T.P (See you at the pole.) It is a worldwide event where christians gather around they're flag pole at skool around 7:00 A.M And pray for they're skool, teachers, fellow students ect. You might wanna try and find out what ur skool is doing. I'm a homeskooler, but will be going to the local skool.

Dont go to skool? Then pray, pray for those at skool, and pray for the skools.

Homeskool? Then go to the local skool.

All in all this is a GREAT outreach, it's my first year doing it. And I know its gonna be AWSOME.

God bless.
if you are in school and claim to be a Christian then its time that you prove it, God calls us to be different from the world, and what the best part is that we can set an example in our faith and life to those around us, just because we are young doesnt mean we cant do great things

1Tim 4:12