Sad to say it


Member, Dreamcast Fishing Guru
Right now i will not be playing any games online at all due to some serious issues i have personally, and God has laid it on my heart to fix these issues, i hope that it is His will that after i get my heart right with him that i can come back, but that is unknown and i am not sure how long i will be gone or if i will be going back. i will still visit the boards and all but no more gaming for this Lion.
Well if that's what ya feel ya need to do then I respect that. We all know it's jus cause I was pwnin you the other night. ;-) Well um... God bless.

i have had a day to cool off and am pretty happy with the decision i made.

Just wanted to elaberdate on why i made it and all.
as some of you may or may not know yesterday(wensday) i skipped school to go to bushgardens, so i go to meet up with my friends who where going, one of them a girl i like( guys do stupid things for girls...), to find out we dont have the tickets because she couldnt get them from work(free). so we ended up going down to naples FL( OLD PERSON CAPITAL!!!) where you have to be 18 or older to go to the mall during the day, and sinse only one of us where 18 we got kicked out(asked nicely to leave). so we came back to our town ( Ft Myers) and had lunch at fridays ( bad food and over priced
) where'n we ( the other 3) find out she has to work that day which makes me just a little
for wasting the day driving back and forth doing absolutely nothing( and we wherent int he same car to top it off), so me and the other 2 go hang out till about 6 when she gets off work and decides to go to Target with some dude from work, i come to find out she likes him also, so while we are there again sitting around doing nothing i am in my car just listen to music, rage against the machine and Testify was the best thing iheard about all day for somereason, then we went to dinner where again she ate at Mac Donalds cuz us other3 wherent hungry and we sat around while she was on the phone with daddy ( coming back from NYC) and then some other guy(BOSS). so ibasicly got really mad because the day was wasted, ummm yeah the whole other guy thing did play something in it, and went to the only place i knew that i could go, the Church, and it was there that God really just put it on my heart that i need to spend more time with Him, and that this young lady is totally wrong for me, unevenly yoked, and with hind sight i see how much i really wasted the day because the others are not beleavers, and i had ALL DAY to tell them but i didn't. which does upset me and recently i have been wondering if i should even become a minister, very hypocritical of me to tell others to evanglise while i didn't because i was scared of what they may think, and alot of other things, so i just laid my heart bear with my X-GF who is in the youth group and we are still tight as ever, and that just helped alot and i knew what i had to do and this (giving up games) was one of them.

yeah i rambled on told you guys about the day, after reading some stuff from the CGA boards , in the past, i have a new out look on the whole Girl friend stuff, just keep me in your prayers that God has his will with my life because thats what i want. i just pray that i will get another opertunity to talk with them and tell them what i know to be the Truth, like chris rice's new song Should i tell them.

Anyway i am not planning on leaving the boards i will try to check in as much as possible.