San Jose Area Announcement

Very cool. We got to meet Icthus, Tebran, Mastablasta, Wallawinski and wife, and Mirakle, wife, and 2 little Mirakles! Thank you again Icthus for putting it on. It was nice to meet your daughter. Maybe we will get to meet your wife who was out of town and your son who was not next time! :)
(My apologies to Goblit. I ate her piece that she asked be saved until her passport made it back to her.)

It was very awesome to meet you all. Deut, I want you know that my wife and I will be praying for the possible blessing we talked about around Icthus coffee table. Also, your Nuclear Brown Ale was to DIE for!!

Sorry for the drama at the end with mini-mirakle#2, her hand is healing well and we decided not to press charges on Icthus.
Ok I am not sure what perfidy means (I will google it next) but if there is any perfidyness going on here my Hello Kitty Guardian will hear of it and come with pitchforks!
HAHAH...i have no ss of the incident, and for the sake of not doing any paperwork on it, I saw nothing
Here are the promised Screenies:


L to R: Walla and wife, Antherialli, Mastablasta, and Icthus


L to R: Mirakle, Tarl, and Tebran