Seal of Command


New Member
I am probably one of the very few, if not the only one, of prot spec'd tanking paladins that uses Seal of Command to dish out holy damage to keep aggro. I have been doing this for ages, way back when we had seal of fury I was using SoC, just because I can't stand how boring the other seals are lol

If no one ever noticed, for paladins, Seal of Command is the only seal that has a combat animation when it procs. I love seeing Kagnus spin when it procs. Simple pleasures for simple minds :)

However, I am worried about this patch note -

"Fixed some data errors that caused Seal of Command and Seal of Blood to generate more threat than intended."

I love the tanking tree, however if I cannot use SoC in conjuction with being a tanking paladin, I am just not sure what I will do :(

Many, many times I have spent 50g to respec without SoC and found that:

1) Keeping aggro was harder.

2) I was bored out of my mind.

Pre 2.1, when I tanked with SoC, and with my 2.8 speed Drakefist, I would crit on average 700-900 holy damage. To me, this instant high holy damage with righteous fury on, I usually can keep aggro.

Also, with Blizz adding a new tanking talent for paladins high in the prot tree and not refunding talent points, I will have to spend 50g to respec anyhow as the new talent is too good to pass up.

I may end up going as more of a prot/retrib hybrid. I just don't know :(
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hey on the plus side, if you spend 50g to respec completely holy, you can go to the QQ forums and fit in very

Im not sure I have ever seen that animation, sounds pretty cool. I seldom find myself playing with a pally who tanks, only because I generally am a tank. Guess i'll have to pay more attention next time you come to karaz with us.
Oh yeah, trying to fight a druid for aggro is near imposible :p I have had Tinie tell me this when on I am on Az, but I think that Karazhan run with two ferel druids and me the poor prot paladin sometimes I just gave up trying to hold aggro lol

I feel your pain, Tinie :)

However, this:

"Improved Leader of the Pack: This ability will no longer generate threat."

May have something to do with druids and aggro.
Once a pally has a good hold on something I cannot peal something off them (If they are ...especially when they bop me............but i wont go there LOL

Im very curious to see some of the changes to my gear :)
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As a up an coming Tankadin who also loved SOC I would be interested in your wisdom on holding aggro if you wouldn't mind sharing it with me
-Gavin (Haazda)
lol, the feral druid legendary aggro magnetism has very little to do with just ILotP... however, to make you feel better, pallies hold aggro off of druids better than warriors do.

Back when I first started teddy tanking I used to have Blessing of Salvation on the whole time in Molten Core because without it, I would peel aggro off of Shaiden and Coomalaka with three to six autoattacks. Of course, back then they were still learning how to hold aggro. Nowadays it's much harder to pull aggro off of warriors, and both Lorin and Tinie have incredible holding power.
I'm a healadin who often MT's lvl 70 5 mans. I just throw on my tanking set.. I don't have SOC but hold aggro pretty well even without Imp RF. I use Crusader + seal of vengeance dot.

RF+Holy shock+Concecration+crusader+Sov and a little healing while I tank works pretty good for me.
As a up an coming Tankadin who also loved SOC I would be interested in your wisdom on holding aggro if you wouldn't mind sharing it with me
-Gavin (Haazda)

With patch 2.1 I don't know if I can give you a solid answer.

Paladins hold aggro though holy damage output. There is the main intended way to do this by building up a tanking set that has +spell damage and using some 41.4 dps mainhand that has high +spell damage.

I like to increase my holy damage output via dps, thus seal of command. Not only does it crit, and crit's high with the right gear, it also has a judgement that can crit based off your melee stats.

However, with the change in 2.1, I am not sure how I am going to go about things. Give me a few weeks and ask me again and I will let you know if I am still able to use SoC to tank or not.
I'm a healadin who often MT's lvl 70 5 mans. I just throw on my tanking set.. I don't have SOC but hold aggro pretty well even without Imp RF. I use Crusader + seal of vengeance dot.

RF+Holy shock+Concecration+crusader+Sov and a little healing while I tank works pretty good for me.

Holy shock actually would give you the same effect that I am looking for out of SoC, instant high holy damage... maybe that is what I will do lol...healatankadin!