September 7th, 2005


New Member
The King will say, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

-Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

MY daughter Ruth worked at an inner-city mission. One Sunday I attended worship there. Most folk who came were poor but clean and neat. The atmosphere was worshipful. But then a man with unsteady steps steered himself into the chair beside me. My nose was assaulted by the reek of booze and stale sweat. The chairs were set too close for me to avoid contact, even though I folded my arms tightly. I wished I could hold my nose. For me, the worshipful atmosphere had evaporated.

The service started, and during the prayer of dedication, I realized that I was the one in need of prayer. I listened to a sermon about Jesus' love. The man must have taken in some of it, because he mumbled, "Jesus don't love me."

I slipped my arm around his shoulder and assured him that Jesus does love him. I held him a while. After the service, I prepared coffee and sandwiches in the kitchen and we had lunch together. Having done everything I could, I introduced him to a man on the mission's staff so he could receive further help.

Trudy McCrae (Ontario, Canada)
Dear Lord, teach us to offer your grace to every person. Open our hearts to receive each one of your children. Amen.