

New Member
A minimap add-on.

I have played with pretty much every minimap add-on I have found over the last few years, always looking for the right one to go with my various UI's and one that had good functionality to adjust and to take care of minimap buttons etc.

Sexymap has fulfilled my need finally! :)

The graphics for it are great, there are a number of presets which while some are plain a few are very nice, and then you can create you own (mix and match) or adjust the properties for any of the preset ones. And some of these, the nice ones, are not static images; they can have different elements spinning around the minimap etc.

Of course you can pick any shape for the minimap, including some shapes I haven't seen used (hexagon anyone?)

A really nice future as well is the little map buttons like the calendar, or the little buttons some other add-ons add to around your minimap, are adjustable like how most minimap add-ons adjust them but they can be (and are by default) set so they only show up when you mouse over your minimap, other wise your minimap doesn't show them and its nice and clean and uncluttered :)

I’m really impressed by this add-on, give it a try and see 
Just to add, my personal favorite so far is the burning sun preset, although I have switch it to a blue mix and you can see the one layer of blue rotating slowly around the minimap and a another layer that adjusts to my position, its very nice and calming :)
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Sexymap - Minimap add on. All the icons are hidden until moused over.
