Short Absence

Que Pasa

Active Member
Well I got kicked off of my university-provided internet for having a wireless router to service my 5x8 holding cell (as I like to call it). The story itself is pretty funny, but ends sadly with me and a friend getting kicked off.

It all started with a call to MIO at about 4:30pm yesterday. I told them that the internet the guy's side of the floor and part of the girls side was down, and concluded that a cable had come unplugged or a switch was misconfigured. They said they'd come up and have a look at all of our computers. Cut to tomorrow, circa 1:30 pm, the geek task force, 20 strong, comes up to the floor to check it out. They go through everyones room testing the connection and come to a revelation at about 3pm, someones wifi router is goofing things up. At about 3:30 they brought a laptop up and checked signal strengths up and down the hallway, looking for any "rogue APs". They locate mine and a friend's just through checking signal activity in the air.

Cut to 5pm, after shutting off the actual port going to my room and my friends, the net is still down for everyone else. They finally conclude that it must be a problem with the switch servicing those ~20 computers that don't have net access. At about 5:30 the internet came back up, whether or not that was the correct solution I don't know, but I think chances are it was a problem with the switch.
Poor Pasta.