my edldest daughter is a lesbian...i will never turn from her as she is my blood...but i have told her i will never accept her lifestyle choice..but she iwill always be my duaghter and if he needs something I can help with i will never turn her away because she's gay. Love my daughter(the sinner as it were) h:hate: the sin..her homosexuality.
The parent that tells their child no to stop them from doing the things that harm themselves and others is a selfless parent. They love their child more than themselves. The selfish parent is the one that loves the love they receive from the child more than they love the child and will let them do anything.
Stay strong HCS not only for love of Christ and His righteousness but for the love of your child who needs to be called to repentance.
I have little in the way of experience with talking to people but would advise those dealing with LGBT to have not only the Biblical backing but logical reasoning for what you believe straight in your mind lest you fall prey to the erroneous excuses LGBT, or really any sin, uses. Remember though nonsense can be refuted easily but if they will listen remains up to their acceptance of the Holy Spirit, not you. Until they long to do right, by God, nothing you can say will change their mind. The righteous have reasons, answers to questions for what they do, sinners only have excuses and feelings.
A few common excuses include...
1. How can you be against "love":
Two of the same sex can love each other as friends, as parent and child, as mentor and student, selflessly as neighbors, they can even live together as roommates (though not advised if sexual temptation is in the picture). Christians are not "against love". The "love" LGBT reference is a specific kind of love, romantic sexual love (or possibly just lust) and that is inexorably tied to sex. There are all matter of perverse -philias, attractions in peoples' heads, are you going to say all of it is "love"? There are biological requirements to the types of relationships we can have. Sex has a function and purpose. Whatever desires are in your head do not change this reality. Ok so you don't like taking out the trash but you still have to respect it needs to be done. You may not like making the baby but you still have to respect it needs to be done. We eat food to live and it is fine to enjoy food, but, once you primarily eat food to feel good and not to live one becomes obese. While if you hate food you must still accept you need to eat or you die. Desire bereft of the restraint of truth becomes sin. This is why LGBT cannot ever be considered normal or equal to heterosexuality. If it was normal, meaning nominal or the average, it would literally be the end of the world. Oh look America has been below replacement birth rates for decades hmmm...
2. My body compels me:
Straight people are compelled to have sex too and likewise must control themselves. Fornication, rape, incest, adultery, bestiality, no one gets to do everything they want. Whether sexual attraction is learned or inherent is irrelevant you still remain responsible for controlling yourself. People that cannot, or will not, control their actions either go to mental institutions or prison. That your actions are between "consenting adults" keeps you out of these places but is irrelevant to the LGBT argument that you must act upon your attraction. If other people can control themselves so can you. Personal responsibility is expected regardless of the sin. LGBT is no different and physical compulsion for it, whether it exists or not, does not change this.
3. Oh you cruel hater I am depressed and suicidal:
How do you think straight people feel when you tell them they are worthless and replaceable as fathers and mothers? When you laud LGBT you disparage traditional marriage. A cup is both half empty and half full. If anyone can do a job than that job is replaceable by definition yet no one cares about fatherless rates, birth rates, or the straight guy who offs himself because he feels unneeded. LGBT tells people they can be anything they want, you cannot. Now one can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, you can fight against sin through Him, but will Christ act against Christ's will? NO! The fundamental core goal of Christianity is to align ourselves with what is right, a.k.a. God's will, not to pray to the god genie for stuff Matthew 22:37-38 . You will NOT get everything you desire in life and no Christian, LBGT or not, should ever want to.
It is far easier to let everyone do whatever they wish than evoke the "cruelty" of saying no but if one legitimately cares one says no to people that are hurting themselves and others. The consequences of sin hurt far more than having to deny yourself daily. Christians today hide from conflict, harsh words, and upsetting people, while our predecessors risked crucifixion for speaking their faith
(and still do in some places). Yet some "Christians" still have the gall to wonder how sin has gotten so prevalent. You can make your words as ginger sweet as you wish but at some point you realize people aren't being offended by the words but by the truth itself. That their offense hides their inability to give reason for their beliefs. That is their problem, not yours, and you cannot let it stop you from speaking the truth in Christ.