Should we install low violence mode?

Add low violence mode?

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  • Poll closed .

The Mighty Gerbil

Tribe of Judah TF 2 Chapter Leader & CGA Admin
Staff member
Low violence mode was mentioned tonight so I'm putting it up for a vote whether we should install it or not. It changes the color of the blood, replaces gibs and cleans blood off a couple of weapons (but not all of them). It's not birthday party mode so there won't be any party stuff as far as I know.

Grey mentioned it on the forums a while back. I'll let his thread lead you to more info on what it does.

Note even if we don't end up installing it you can install it on your client alone and it should work as our server allows most custom content. Voting will run a couple weeks so I can tell server patrons about this thread again.
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It would be an interesting mode that personally I don't think would take anything away from the game itself.

It would not do anything for the critics who come in and get offended about Christians playing a violent game. We are still killing each other. We are just doing it cleaner.

However, every little bit helps.
Given the average age of TOJ members (25ish), I see no real reason to censor the game, especially this late. I understand other clans do, but they also have younger members. In my opinion, the whole baloons/toys and even party hats that show up look really out of place, kinda like the Cow Mangler.

I'm for the default option.

Edit: If it's not the party mode, then we'd have junk appearing when enemies explode. Still weird to me.
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I don't have any issue with using the low-violence mod as a player, but as someone who occasionally helps Gerbil with server issues (and Valve makes sure there's at least one with nearly every major update), I'm hesitant to add any more variables to the mix.

I like the idea of a low violence mod, but I've noticed that the party hats stick through other hats in birthday mode. Does the low violence mod nix skip the party hats?
I think the people who want low violence, probably already have it installed.
When I bought TF2, I requested the German version for the very reason of wanting toned down violence. Now I see the junk (gears, rubber duckies, etc...) and slight green splashes when I shoot/kill someone.
I don't think it's necessary for the server really.

PS. if you want it enabled, send a support ticket to valve with your account name in it, and ask for the German Low violence mode be enabled for TF2.
I just thought of another possible issue:

If I shoot a disguised Spy in low violence mode, he doesn't bleed, so I lose one of my indicators that he's a Spy. Right?
I just thought of another possible issue:

If I shoot a disguised Spy in low violence mode, he doesn't bleed, so I lose one of my indicators that he's a Spy. Right?

From my understanding all it does is replace the blood texture vtf and vmt files with a different color one (so spies would still bleed just a different color, yellow blood and grey stains). It also replaces gib models and some weapon models that have blood on them. Originally the German version of TF2 used these but it was turned on internally there. I don't think the files are even present by default in non-German versions. However someone extracted those files and uploaded them for everyone so they could be used as any other type of custom content can. I think I set our server white list some time back to allow most custom content so it should work, in theory. It would take a small download the first time anyone connects to our server though.

Now you can supposedly contact Valve to have low violence mode turned "on" in your personally copy of TF2. That way should work on any server regardless if it allows custom content.

Hmmm now I wonder what happens when you take someone's head off with the Eyelander. Although I've played a lot on CC's server I never payed attention to that (of course that's birthday mode). Does it magically become a rubber duck gib mid flight or since the mode pre-dates the Eyelander does it do nothing?
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Hahah this is really a weird discussion in a way. O.o Think about it ... blood, the color of blood, birthday hats, balloons, rubber ducks, gears, etc all in one thread? hahahah :eek:

I don't get how seeing green blood squirt out of a character is any more settling than seeing red. Although maybe seeing a rubber duck instead of a head landing near by me might be better, but then I'd feel bad for the poor little duck and all the violence going on around it.

And how is it that having party stuff flying after killing a person making sense, now it's a real celebration? lol

And I'm really trying to figure out how it is that Germany, of all places, has the only official censor mode? Germany, really?

Weird I tell you, just plain weird!

Germany has gaming violence laws. They shouldn't, but it's socialism. Controlling peoples lives...

But hey, for those of us don't like the gibs.....
Germany has them because moral values have become warped and the intent behind having the values is lost. A common theme I've seen around, especially among Europeans, is them complaining that in American games I can blow up people but I can't see nudity. So many clueless, clueless people XD.
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Have two sons 13 & 10 that love TF2. And I only let them play on Fish Servers and the gore/blood is the reason they aren't allowed to play on our tuesday TOJ nights)

I am all in favor of a low violence mode. I didn't even know that was available...

It's interesting that TF2's art style is cartoonish/pixar like so I would think a change in blood color would be ok and not take away from the game's feel or playability...

If you do change the mode let me know.

Anyway that's my two cents.
Have two sons 13 & 10 that love TF2. And I only let them play on Fish Servers and the gore/blood is the reason they aren't allowed to play on our tuesday TOJ nights)

I am all in favor of a low violence mode. I didn't even know that was available...

It's interesting that TF2's art style is cartoonish/pixar like so I would think a change in blood color would be ok and not take away from the game's feel or playability...

If you do change the mode let me know.

Anyway that's my two cents.

Thanks Rev and it's stuff like that we need to know. So everyone knows this will not purely be decided by vote. I want to hear your opinions too. If I get enough compelling reasons for and only "preferences" against I'll probably at least give it a test even if I remove it later. (Actually I had it on our server at one point. I forget why I didn't put it back on.)

I have pretty much decided not to load the weapons without blood on them even if I do load the rest. There are not models available for all the weapons so you are going to get blood on some no matter what (given CC uses birthday mode it should have blood on it's weapons still too). Should Valve ever update those models it may cause issues with our server as well. Plus it will keep the download lower.

... maybe seeing a rubber duck instead of a head landing near by me might be better, but then I'd feel bad for the poor little duck and all the violence going on around it.

If I ever make a Machinma I am so using that. The duck lands next to you and as the camera zooms in on it Mad World starts playing LOLS :p .

Ooooh random Gerbil idea: It occurs to me instead of random objects popping out of people they could have class based items which would make a little more sense. Like a "What are little boys/girls made of type thing" or what does the "insert class" carry in his pockets.
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I know my wife would appreciate a low violence mode. She likes FPS's, but was initially turned off by the amount of gore in TF2.
The gameplay does not change. I say turn off the violence to accommodate those with younger children who want to play. For myself, it doesn't matter one way or the other right now.

I didn't vote above because there wasn't an "accommodate as many people as possible option".
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Keep it as it is, low violence mods are just annoying, especially that whistling sound that plays whenever some one dies. And as for the "younger audience", this is an M rated game, little kids shouldn't be playing M rated games in the first place. No need to go accommodating for them.

Besides, the violence in this game is kind of like Monty Python and the Holy Grail (you know the scene) so over the top that it can't be taken seriously.
HAHA Played on another server the other day with what I'm guessing was a birthday theme? Hilarious! Loved it. lol

On another note, Sarugon has a point about the maturity of the game. But I don't think it's just the youngin's that want the change.

Still don't matter much to me. I would like everyone to feel comfortable playing. And when I seen a wife wanted - well, I was all about supporting her! haha!
...especially that whistling sound that plays whenever some one dies.

No worries it's not birthday mode it's just silly gibs and a different color blood no noise or confetti. We won't be doing birthday mode as the hats poke through other hats. I also wish to make our server different than CC's servers in some respects.

Keep it as it is, low violence mods are just annoying, especially that whistling sound that plays whenever some one dies. And as for the "younger audience", this is an M rated game, little kids shouldn't be playing M rated games in the first place. No need to go accommodating for them.

I didn't want to get into this but I might as well give a short go explaining it. The secular rating system does not equal Christian morality. For example I use the rule "keep it G rated" because it is a standardized system that both non-Christians and Christians will recognize. I do not use it because I find everything non-G rated offensive or inappropriate for our server. In the same vain I would let my children see the violence in TF2 rather than them see say the PG Madagascar 2 with it's gay agenda. The point is moot though because I find the language more objectionable than the violence in TF2. I'm not giving violence a free pass but you can learn/repeat words freely (and accept homosexuality >.<) while our society still has repercussions for mini-gun massacres.

Besides, the violence in this game is kind of like Monty Python and the Holy Grail (you know the scene) so over the top that it can't be taken seriously.

...and that's one of the reasons I'm not bugged by it (more to the point it doesn't actually look like real guts). However it's also not that important for me to see red gibs rather than ducks/springs. It's not like I am even paying attention to the "gore" gibs anymore, though I do notice the blood color. It's true silly gibs erodes the style of TF2 but if it eases peoples objections to the game it may be worth it. The art style has already been changed by hats and lazer guns, silly gibs pale in comparison. I also understand veteran computer gamers are likely to have seen worse gore (or at least better graphics gore) compared to new or casual gamers. This means to some the gore in TF2 will seem more "real".

Installation is proving to be more of a task than anticipated... of course XD. I got silly gibs to work via a sourcemod plugin but the default gibs are still present (both gibs are on I mean). I'll post if I get it farther along but this looks like it will be a longer term job, at least it won't be complete by tonight. Gerbil sleeps now.
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I have gotten silly gibs installed but Valve released the birthday update before we got any play testing done to see if it works or peoples reactions. After the birthday update I'll see how it goes.

Note: ONLY the body part gibs have been replaced with silly gibs. I have installed no blood color change, no party hats, no funny noise, no confetti. All of those are a result of Valve's birthday update thing. We will see how it goes with people and if I will keep or remove it. Votes are currently 7 to 9 against the mod however as I stated earlier keeping/removing the mod will not purely be based on votes.
Hey there, I haven't posted here in a couple years. I'm hoping to game with you guys. I've been playing TF2 for a couple months and I love it.

Anyway, instead of blood and body parts I'm wondering if it's possible to use the modifications that came out recently that releases balloons and wrapped packages, fish bones, springs, clocks, etc. from bodies when they explode. I think that's hilarious. Or maybe find a mod that release other things.

*edit* Oh I see that you were waiting for the birthday update to be done before continuing the tests. It helps to read huh. ;-)
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Hey there, I haven't posted here in a couple years. I'm hoping to game with you guys. I've been playing TF2 for a couple months and I love it.

Anyway, instead of blood and body parts I'm wondering if it's possible to use the modifications that came out recently that releases balloons and wrapped packages, fish bones, springs, clocks, etc. from bodies when they explode. I think that's hilarious. Or maybe find a mod that release other things.

*edit* Oh I see that you were waiting for the birthday update to be done before continuing the tests. It helps to read huh. ;-)

Our mod appears to be working fine though it only replaces body part gibs with springs, junk etc. Honestly I'm not noticing the difference unless I look specifically for it. The Fish servers do use full birthday mode though should you require your full on birthday mode fix.

By your post though I think you meant to vote for the mod not for regular TF2 XD.
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