Should we Restore Freebuild Admin (FADmin)?


The purpose of the freebuild admin (FADmin) is to handle all of the newcommers to the server, who build in freebuild. So that higher level admins can concentrate efforts elsewhere, the FADmin can spawn common items, to help rebuild freebuild. They also have the ability to turn freebuild members into snowball fighters (jail rank), using the command "/pex demote <username>". They had a strong presence when ToJ first joined the server, but were removed when we removed ranks.

Should we restore the FADmin rank, to handle all the newbies, instead of relying on OPs? Post your thoughts here. I'll bring them up in the meeting, on Saturday.
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i think we should unless you an ambasitor or op, or tribe you have no power so you might be able to reduce greifer damage if you add on this