SoE Xfire ID List

Wh1te Out

New Member
We have a master list somewhere on the ToJ forums, but that is all inclusive. This list is meant to be a quick reference for those just getting the program and for those of who have it already to keep up with new members. Please keep your posts limited to only your Xfire ID and no discussion.

Lana of Mountlake: misterslice
Bella of Mountlake: gimmestarbucks
X Fire

Ok here is my X Fire info I am almost always on X Fire and I figured since we are all trying to be a closer community I thought I would give everyone my X Fire Nick.


Original eh?

See you all on line!
X-fire just got an upgrade!!! Voice chat! how cool is that?
Even more important then that (in my opinion) is the ability to log chats. Now when you give me your server IP or whatever, I wont lose it when I close my window.

Release notes for 1.47

* Added ability to save chat logs to a file. To enable, go to Tools | Options | Chat and select Enable Chat Logging. To view a log, open a chat window and select Actions | View chat log.
* Added rcon support to Quake 2, Quake 3, Call of Duty (and United Offensive), Soldier of Fortune original and 2, Jedi Academy, Jedi Knight 2, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Select a server and then enter your rcon password in the Rcon field at the bottom of the infoview to enable.
* Added Battlefield 2 game name/password prompting so you can join friends in game again (BF2 1.03 broke joining)..
* Added support for color codes in server names and player names for Quakeworld, Far Cry, and Soldier of Fortune.
* Added custom infoview and server filter for Counter-strike 1.6. Added a custom server filter for Call of Duty.
* Added support for group voice chat. Create a group chat and select "Host Voice chat" to try it out.
* Added ability to change voice options (Tools | Options | Voice) while in a one-to-one or group voice chat.
* Added Xfire In-Game support to MOHPA and DAoC.
* Fixed about a dozen 32x32 icons that had incorrect palettes.
* New games supported: FEAR Multiplayer Demo, Rome - Barbarian Invasion, Dragonshard, Brothers in Arms EIB, Serious Sam 2, Black & White 2, FIFA Soccer 06, NBA Live 06, Rag Doll Kung Fu, FEAR, MotoGP URT 3, Ultimate Spider-Man, X-Men Legends 2, Blitzkrieg 2, 18 Wheels of Steel Convoy ("Yeah breaker one nine this here's the Rubber Duck", I love that song!), Gangland, Risk II, Bet on Soldier, Descent FreeSpace, Prison Tycoon, and Quake 4.

Ephesian said:
anyone else besides me and Ewok have lotsa problems with Xfire crashing lately?

I haven't. You're not using Norton Antivirus are you? I think Xfire may have problems with NAV, but then what application doesn't have a problem with NAV?