some thoughts


Tribe of Judah Unreal Tournament Chapter Co-leader
I'll be taking a break from sc II. I have been playing way too much and I think it's starting to effect my health (seriously). I have been getting frusterated with the game and can't sleep anymore. Not so much because I'm not #1 in diamond anymore or because I'm losing a lot, but because the game I feel is currently lacking in usefulness of the units. I made a realization today that you can't beat someone who is good or counter a lot of units from two or sometimes even one building like in bw. You litterally have to go the over used term 1-1-1 build. This i feel is good and bad. What's nice is that spectators will appretiate seeing more of different kinds of units, but this is difficult for me to deal with. I remember back in broodwars in z v t you could simply make marines and medics with a science vessel late game and still be very good. In T V P, you could get away with making factory units only. Vultures tanks and build missile turrets. This is even true on the pro level. I think the nicest thing about broodwars is that you could rely on a few different types of units to carry you through the whole game. This made upgrading much more friendly because you knew what you were sticking with. In SC II you litterally need just about every kind of unit to be effective and not one building can provide you with many counters. For instance, no barracks unit has splash. If your opponent is going mass lings your going to need a factory. You can not play off of barracks only. Same goes for the factory. Factory has splash units, but the anti air is horrible (People have learned to spread mutas out against thors and thors deal hardly any damage vs armored ships not to mention they are too expensive to rely on protecting your mech only build.) Even if you do make factory and rax you will still need the star port if your opponent goes broodlords or even sometimes muta because you can only stim your marines so much and your thor is not a good micro unit. Factory and rax don't have very good anti air units. This in itself is very difficult to deal with because if your opponent switches things up, it's much more useful in this game than compared to bw. Overall i'm not happy about these kinds of problems, but one thing I do love about SC II is that the gameplay is faster and action happens more sooner than BW. This is good and I enjoy this over BW which is why I have stayed on sc II so far.

Ok. I'll end the rant here. This is not "Hate" towards the game. I really do like sc II, I'm just explaining why I'm having such a hard time with it. In the mean time I will still play, but will mostly be on Unreal Tournament III until i can sleep again.
Dude. Sleep is important for sure. :) Hopefully this 1.1 patch will bring some balance. We shall see.
I admire your ability to stop it before it takes you over. Find some rest in the Lord and you'll be O.K.! Maybe you can hold some training sessions after a sabbatical?