Something that HAS to be changed...


New Member
The time it takes to get in game, I am not very motivated to log on if I only have a few minutes to play, even if I have 20 or 30 mins to play, just due to the time it takes to get in game...this is becoming very frustrating, come on seriously, 3 mini movies and agreeing to the user agreement, then TWO loading screens...seriously...only major flaw so far, and they NEED to change it, I have seen a lot of complaints about it...
I don't see the mini movies.

YOu are making a big deal out of a minor issue.

It would seem you issue is your lack of play time.

That agreement you have to click keeps gold farmers out of the game.

IT allows Mythic to be merciless in eliminating them.
How do you manage to avoid the mini movies?

The EULA doesn't bother me (I finish clicking before the server loads anyway) but the two loading screens DO seem to take much longer than other games.
I have to agree with Xiontawa that it would be nice if they fixt the intro to be a little less time consuming. Tell us your secret Ichtus! Not that I'm complaining, just that I am impatient....
Have to go through the mini movie of who developed the sofware (Mythic and Gameswork shop logo), then the detailed trailer, then finally Warhammer logo movie. ESC only completes the trailer, not the other ones.
well you just hit escape on the one movie and then it takes 20 seconds to get in game. It's not THAT bad.
I'm thinking "???" about the movies, too, but also am working off of my beta install, so I guess that's the difference. Are you all counting the various logos as 'mini movies' as well?
I thought it was taking a long time to so I timed it and it only took me 1 min. and 38 secounds to get in game. So it is not as bad as I thought. I just enjoy the game so much I cant stand the Anticipation. I Bet it will get better the games still in infancy stage. Although I dont need to know who the games made by everytime I log in. But all EA games I have ever played have been that way.
while it doesn't bother me too much, i do think "why!!" every time i log in and I have to see 5 different clips. If nothing changes i'm sure it will only be a matter of time until some one creates an intro skip mod.
Even if you didnt have that long load time of 1 minute and 38 seconds (thank you alcorn) really at most all you can really do in 30 mins is one scenario if the ques arent messed up that is.

maybe you should use your 20-30 minutes to make spam on the forums and wait till you have more time to play ;)
I don't see mini-movies when I log in either.

All I get is the three "splash" developer screens.

Mythic can be merciless with the gold farmers after they click accept on the EULA once. That's all it takes.

I does not need to pop every time.
I am reinstalling from the DVDs as I hear that improves performance since us on the beta client still have the debuggers running. I will let you know if it changed performance and also if the movies now appear, cause I see zero when I log in.
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wow fast install...i remember wow taking me hours ...oh yeah 3 years of patches...

anyways, I see the movies now, can ESC past one but the other I cant, tho it seems to be loading as it is running, getting me to char select screen as fast as beta files were.

I will let you know on performance later.
Weird... i do not see these videos... i see the flash screens for the company... then the video i can skip, and then the User Agreement. Nothin else.
I agree in that it seems to take forever. It used to bother me. Now I just start the game and go get a drink or go to the bathroom and its ready when I come back.
I switched from beta to the retail install 3 days ago and it seems to be running worse on my computer... weird eh? I'm getting much more jumping and find myself turning the settings down a lot. when I was running the beta client I was running it on high quality in windows mode with no skipping or glitching.
I did mine.

The movies did show up.

The game does feel smoother.

But, I have not done large scale RvR.
It was in the open RvR Keep taking that I noticed a significant improvement in my fresh install. I will definitely be playing off that copy and recommend taking the time to install that way if you are using beta files.