Strength and Hearts


New Member
I know I'm not active around here very much, but it's primarily because I'm active around a gaming community I've been a part of for many many years. I would say the community is 60% athiest, 30% agnostic, 9% other/confused, and 1% Christian.

I've been praying for a few of the members for quite a while and just recently felt called to post a prayer request topic. It's already gotten flamed by some of the users, and was basically split up, 1 into flames, 1 into a topic on prayer/God and me doing my best to defend my efforts, and then the original topic left by itself.

I felt like this was an important step for me to take, and I really hope that it can, at the very least, plant seeds in some of the hearts of the people on this forum and within this community. I will continue to pray for them and I would hope that I can be a strong, Christian influence- watching the things I say and do as to not defile the image of Jesus in front of people who don't know him.

Thanks for your support... and although I'd feel awkward giving out the link to this forum, if one of you feel that you are being called to help me in this effort, in some way (outside of praying of course) then feel free to PM me.

Thanks alot :)
thanks Abba.

It's not fair to post a prayer request without updates. So, just so you know, there's been a lot of trolling, but I'm really encouraged to see that two people so far have given me a prayer request to pray about for them... I'm pretty sure that it's also planting seeds in people's hearts, causing them to question what they believe and think about prayer/God. Thanks again
I know the feeling of wanting to plant seeds in the hearts of all those who don't/refuse to believe. I'm trying myself amongst my friends, and all those I meet, or even briefly speak to. I've noticed just telling someone that you will pray for them seems to make a small smile come across their face.

Anywho, I'd be glad to try and help if I can.