New Member
Per Eyonix:
And 10/12/06:
We’ve made some additional changes to the talent calculators today. In addition to changing many of the icons, we’ve also made the following changes:
Feral Combat
Feral Instinct - Reduced to 3 ranks, 5/10/15%.
Thick Hide - Reduced to 3 ranks, 4/7/10%.
Nurturing Instinct - Reduced to 2 ranks, 50/100%.
Survival of the Fittest - Reduced to 3 ranks, same 1/2/3% improvements.
(NEW) Focused Starlight - “Increases the critical strike chance of your Wrath and Starfire spells by 2/4%.”
Improved Thorns - Renamed "Brambles", now increases damage from Entangling Roots as well.
Omen of Clarity - Swapped with Insect Swarm, prerequisite from Natural Weapons removed.
Improved Wrath - Renamed "Starlight Wrath", reduces cast time of Wrath and Starfire by .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 sec.
Improved Starfire - Reduced to 3 ranks, no longer reduces cast time of Starfire, just has the 5/10/15% stun chance.
Natural Shapeshifter - Moved to Restoration tree, where Improved Enrage was.
Improved Healing Touch - Renamed "Naturalist", in addition to the cast time reduction of Healing Touch it also increases all physical damage by 2/4/6/8/10%. Essentially, we folded Natural Weapons into it.
Natural Weapons - Removed.
Improved Enrage - Removed.
Reflection - Renamed "Intensity", mana regen in combat as it did in addition to causing Enrage ability to instantly generate 4/7/10 rage.
Natural Perfection - Changed to "Your critical strike chance with all spells is increased by 1/2/3% and melee and ranged critical strikes against you cause 4/7/10% less damage."
Divine Purpose - Now 3 ranks for 4/7/10%.
Sanctified Crusader - Moved to one column to the left of Repentance. Now 3 ranks for increase of 1/2/3%.
(NEW) Crusader Strike - “An instant strike that causes weapon damage plus 40% of your Holy spell damage and refreshes all Judgements on the target.”
Redoubt - "Successful melee..." changed to "Damaging melee..."
Reckoning - Changed to: "Gives you a 2/4/6/8/10% chance after being hit by any damaging attack that the next 4 weapon swings within 8 sec will generate an additional attack."
Blessed Life - Now 3 ranks for 4/7/10% chance.
Weapon Mastery - Increased disarm resistance to 50/100%.
We’ve made some additional changes to the talent calculators today. In addition to changing many of the icons, we’ve also made the following changes:
(Hunter) Aimed Shot - Rank 7 not listed, 370 mana, 870 damage.
(Druid) Leader of the Pack - Increases crit % by 5, increased from 3.
(Druid) Moonkin Form - Increases spell crit % by 5, increased from 3.
And 10/12/06:
We’ve made some additional changes to the talent calculators today. In addition to changing many of the icons, we’ve also made the following changes:
Feral Combat
Feral Instinct - Reduced to 3 ranks, 5/10/15%.
Thick Hide - Reduced to 3 ranks, 4/7/10%.
Nurturing Instinct - Reduced to 2 ranks, 50/100%.
Survival of the Fittest - Reduced to 3 ranks, same 1/2/3% improvements.
(NEW) Focused Starlight - “Increases the critical strike chance of your Wrath and Starfire spells by 2/4%.”
Improved Thorns - Renamed "Brambles", now increases damage from Entangling Roots as well.
Omen of Clarity - Swapped with Insect Swarm, prerequisite from Natural Weapons removed.
Improved Wrath - Renamed "Starlight Wrath", reduces cast time of Wrath and Starfire by .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 sec.
Improved Starfire - Reduced to 3 ranks, no longer reduces cast time of Starfire, just has the 5/10/15% stun chance.
Natural Shapeshifter - Moved to Restoration tree, where Improved Enrage was.
Improved Healing Touch - Renamed "Naturalist", in addition to the cast time reduction of Healing Touch it also increases all physical damage by 2/4/6/8/10%. Essentially, we folded Natural Weapons into it.
Natural Weapons - Removed.
Improved Enrage - Removed.
Reflection - Renamed "Intensity", mana regen in combat as it did in addition to causing Enrage ability to instantly generate 4/7/10 rage.
Natural Perfection - Changed to "Your critical strike chance with all spells is increased by 1/2/3% and melee and ranged critical strikes against you cause 4/7/10% less damage."
Divine Purpose - Now 3 ranks for 4/7/10%.
Sanctified Crusader - Moved to one column to the left of Repentance. Now 3 ranks for increase of 1/2/3%.
(NEW) Crusader Strike - “An instant strike that causes weapon damage plus 40% of your Holy spell damage and refreshes all Judgements on the target.”
Redoubt - "Successful melee..." changed to "Damaging melee..."
Reckoning - Changed to: "Gives you a 2/4/6/8/10% chance after being hit by any damaging attack that the next 4 weapon swings within 8 sec will generate an additional attack."
Blessed Life - Now 3 ranks for 4/7/10% chance.
Weapon Mastery - Increased disarm resistance to 50/100%.
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