Tek7's 13-day journey


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Game downloaded.

Trial account created.

Game installed.

Intro movie watched.

More to come.
I, err, created a character the other day. His name is Wei Yuan.

Now I just have to, uhh, play through the tutorial.

Oh, and, umm, start playing the game.

EDIT: By the bye, the character creation process is really cool. The universe of EVE Online looks as deep and complicated as you all had suggested.
The tutorial is a good learning tool. And you do get a pretty good item at the end of it. It is option, and you do have the ability to go back later.

I'll send you the office info. Just look in your EVEmail.
Remember kids, don't fall asleep at the keyboard.
D'oh! It looks as though I missed the trial.

...Maybe I can take another shot at it after I can bear to tear myself away from TeamFortress 2.

But, yes, the game looks beautiful and deep. I would love to spend some time playing when I have the time and focus. Based solely on my limited exposure, I would recommend anyone searching for a MMO play the 14-day trial of EVE Online.
D'oh! It looks as though I missed the trial.

...Maybe I can take another shot at it after I can bear to tear myself away from TeamFortress 2.

But, yes, the game looks beautiful and deep. I would love to spend some time playing when I have the time and focus. Based solely on my limited exposure, I would recommend anyone searching for a MMO play the 14-day trial of EVE Online.

CCP remembers your email. So if you have gmail, just invite yourself to it.

You could login to update skills and what not in between TF2 matches.
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