Tek's private FTP server shut down

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
I have shut down my private FTP server and loaned my second computer to Ember for her to use for schoolwork. I currently have no plans to bring the server back online.
Heh...I didn't know either
ftp is a Fox TeePee. (Fox is a tribal band name meaning "Red Earth People")

And Tek had a private one and wasn't letting anybody in :P
y announce that your private server is being shut down.
By the looks of the messages noone knew the server was ever up.

I think Tek is trying to look romantic by telling everyone he's giving his server to Ember.

If tek wants to look romantic, he would buy here a sweet computer system so she could pwn him on UT2004 and not give her his second best anything.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]he would buy here a sweet computer system so she could pwn him on UT2004 and not give her his second best anything.

Just so you know, FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.  It is used to transfer files between computers.  For example, if you download a file from a website such as FileShack, GameSpy, etc., you are probably using FTP, and you didnt know it!
Thank you for the info...I was just fooling around. Kind of playing the letting everybody know about a private server that few people knew about was being shut down angle. You know...weird.
I use it all the time. These forums and the web site were backed up to it. Its loss is our loss but as with all things, stuff changes, we will find another alternative or the Rapture will happen
[b said:
Quote[/b] (SirThom @ Aug. 12 2004,12:26)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]he would buy here a sweet computer system so she could pwn him on UT2004 and not give her his second best anything.

Just so you know, FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.  It is used to transfer files between computers.  For example, if you download a file from a website such as FileShack, GameSpy, etc., you are probably using FTP, and you didnt know it!
Some sites are directly from http protocol, but most of the times, it's directed towards the FTP link for download. Counter-strike servers and a lot of the webpages are maintained through FTP also. There are few programs to access the FTP instead of using the plain MS IE. One I favor is FlashFXP (considering half the thing i use starts or includes "Flash" (oN) lol.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]It just now clicked that it's all my fault. I'm sad now.

it's just a private ftp server, not much stuffs. it's only Tek's stuffs and now he's just shutting it down. No biggy guys, its not like CGA or ToJ being shut down or anything
so don't freak out lol.
Freak out...la chic!!!! 70's flash back, flash, o no...eeps, flason o, stop me before I go any further.

(Scary, I can have a 70's flash back isn't it!)