The Dark Ages a True story of Survival

My family and i lost power for two whole weeks when we lived in south Florida after Hurrican Wilma went through...i was cooking beanie weenies on the fire pit (fire pit being tree debris which was scattered literally everywhere) Thank God we only had one child then and he was on formula and jar food.
as stupid as it sounds... it is small incidences like that... in which i am glad i was taught the little things... like... making fires... finding food... etc... who says it was bad to be a boyscout... not that i was a boyscout... but... i was something similar... i guess... but it is always helpful to have little things like that in my head.
we probably couldnt have made it through if it wasnt for the office complex which my wife and I both worked in, and our son went to daycare in. The complex had ginormous generators which kept it running for 2 weeks straight. so we got to go online and have A/C and our company was nice enough to buy us all lunch for a week.