The Greatest Race of Hunters

100g thats alot for that book, you can either keep your eye on the AH for it, I picked mine up for like 5g and it seems to be a normal rate for that book or from what allakhazam shows you can start doing some trips into Dire Maul, it talks about some dusty tome that has a really good drop rate for that book in it along with I am guessing other races books in there like

Holy Bologna: What the Light Won't Tell You
The Emerald Dream
Codex of Defense
Harnessing Shadows
Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery
The Greatest Race of Hunters
Frost Shock and You
The Arcanist's Cookbook
The Light and How to Swing It

if anyone else knows where this tome is it might be a fast and easy trip into there to get the book and you have to return it to the libary there in DM and you get Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas that gives you +10FR and +48 ranged attack power.

Another thing you can try is ask Redeemedbank and see if anyone else has haned one in