Hmmmm...well, dl'd the demo, had a go through it. Have to say I'm pretty impressed by the incredible range of vehicles to play around with, very cool. Still figuring out how they all work, what vehicle weapons do what, etc. but pretty slick looking.
Flak gun seems to have been lobotomized; the power has been taken down and the spread is thinner now. Someone said that it works more like UT1999 did, but I think the original flak was more powerful than this.
Bots seem to make hardy opponents, so that's cool. Looking forward to seeing the new skins and models in the new version.
Assault was my favourite game mode in the original game and glad to see it return and be improved here. If I pick up UT2K4, I'll be playing this game type the entire time.
Haven't tried the other maps yet, just played Assault and Onslaught.
Still afraid that the U2XMP community may bit hit hard by the release of UT2K4 - Atari isn't really giving the game the support it needs, while UT gets tons of advertising dollars. We'll see...