The most beautiful thing I have ever read.

I just got this from Ace via steam.
Legendary Ace: Yesterday I figured it all out
Legendary Ace: Sit back play CS while I type it ou
Legendary Ace: I relized God placed this oppsing species in my life to motivate me, after I became dull and unaware of my parents praise, my grades started to drop. I could of gotten my license MONTHS ago, but I wanted, now due to her I am getting it. Due to the motivation of what God placed I tidy up better, I memorize things better, learn to be more lightful.
Legendary Ace: God is the backup generator that is working, and I just relized that.
Legendary Ace: Thought God knows my plans, I think he is using this so called "tease" as a motivater in my life, props to him for that cause its working at 1000%
Runaway{CSF}: NICE!
Legendary Ace: But I think he will ease it all away, I have no clue how.
Legendary Ace: But God says we should drink from the cut of suffering
Runaway{CSF}: it really, honestly and truely is
Legendary Ace: So I am
Legendary Ace: I am suffering this great depresstion, pfft who cares.
Legendary Ace: I'm just a guy with a dream, dreams are just a product of the REM cycle, I know.
Legendary Ace: These "dreams" are not in exsitience, since God still needs to "tease" me some more.
Legendary Ace: To get things done he couldn't of done it a better way, than exploiting a man's brain and its natural common behavors.
Legendary Ace: You know, when a girl smiles, shes just being nice, but the man brain turns on and says "hey you have a chance!"/
Legendary Ace: But in actuallity it's all an illusion, a paranoya of what is to be done
Legendary Ace: And God's meens I shall not question, for they are the most effective and trusthworth.
Legendary Ace: As I said before, i am willing to drink from the cup of suffering for God. His plan is my plan, and I shall stick with it. I'm just hopping he will help me along this path of despare.
Legendary Ace: Sorry for my crappy rant
Legendary Ace: I think I should sleep before I became even more ugier
Runaway{CSF}: no
Runaway{CSF}: man
Runaway{CSF}: no
Runaway{CSF}: save that
Runaway{CSF}: thats the most beautiful i have ever heard
Legendary Ace: ?
Runaway{CSF}: really
Runaway{CSF}: it really is
Legendary Ace: Sure, your just a bit distracted
Runaway{CSF}: no it really is
Legendary Ace: With da bomb gam3z
Runaway{CSF}: i sat down in and red it
Legendary Ace: Well I hope you liked my spilling for my opifiny
That is an inspiring conversation, reminded me of how God used my wife to inspire me into achieving more when I first met her; and he still does, but now I have inspiration from two little critters too :)