The Off Topic Thread!

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I loved trig. And calculus. Of course, since I changed to fine art, both are now useless for me...but they WERE fun!
The Off Topic PvP Thread!

Ever wanted to post random stuff about PvP and got your post deleted? Ever wanted to laugh histarically when one of the top 10 guilds suicided by accident in their final match? Ever wanted to laugh at yourself for doing something stuipid in PvP? Now you have your chance!
I like those slide calculators, sweet little inventions to torture and punish students into stuipidity. Of course nowadays we have these calculators that make you understand C in order to work with them...

I'm Anti-Registration and proud!​
Sorry to Say this PvP area is not meant to have an off topic thread I am merging this with the off topic thread in the Main Area!
No, I conferred with Dredd before he moved and merged this. If you refer to the PvP forum guidelines, it states that:

This forum is for the discussion of PvP strategies, builds, scheduling of PvP events and other PvP related discussions only. Any spam, off topic posts or other similar posts, as judged by the admins, will be deleted or moved to the main forum at their discretion.

We will continue to moderate the PvP forum more strictly than the forums here. The point was to create a place to keep conversations on PvP topics serious and on-topic. Any spam posts will be DELETED or moved to the main forum if relevant.

Constant and blatent spam will NOT be tolerated in the PvP forum.


Now get back off topic on this thread!
I still think there needs to be a general discussion in the pvp forum, or it just becomes the pvp announcement forum

That's why we have a general forum, and the PvP forum.
So that the General doesn't get clogged with PvP announcements...
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