the pass


New Member
Hey am I allowed to give the pass to a non-tojer? He used to be a tojer, he wanted to know if he could have the pass tho. He wont go screamin through the server cussin or anything :p and he says if he cant have the pass its fine, I told him I'd ask tho. He's OneHitWonder if anyones wondering.
Yes, we are welcoming anyone to the fun nights. The real idea is to try to do some evangelism/fellowship with these, so I have no problem with you giving out the password to someone you can vouch for.

Elite you agree?
Not a problem. How is he doing? Tell him to get back on with us, if he wants...

Anyways, hopefully I can get AMX mod and MetaMod working relatively soon so we can open the server back up. It's a pain to have the server locked, but we don't have too much control if we leave it open for anyone at this point.

Thanks for the patience!
ok thx! If he ever goes on AIM I'll tell him :p I rarely get to talk with him due to he's never on. But I'll tell him if I see him on.