The person below me.... Part 2

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False - definitely didn't miss out. And how well I remember Cupcake and his amazing shot glasses...

The person below me wants Cupcake to take his shot glass routine on the road.
Hmmm bored games.... some are not so bad some suck the life out of your soul.

The person below me is wondering if Treebranch was really sick the last three days?
True. Memorial Day weekend, followed by being "sick" for 3 more..... hmmmm...

The person below me thinks it's weird that XM radio is going to have a 24/7 channel just to cover the 2008 Presidential race. Informed is good, but 24/7?
True. Good grief, as if the media doesn't have to 'manufacture' enough news as it is to fill up the 24/7 news cycle. Give me the 70s/early 80s before CNN and umpteen bazillion news outlets had to come up with stupid stuff to whine about just to justify the fact that they were STILL on the air. </rant>

The person below me has never missed voting in an even year (congressional/presidential) election since they were eligible to vote (and actually IS eligible to vote! - no spamming this one, Galatians. :p)
False, for the first time in my life I did not vote. I went to the voting booth in California and was shocked at how hard it was too vote! The line was a mile long and the ballot was the lenght of the Lord of the Rings (all three books).

The person below me has never voted.
False, although I don't know why I bother to vote. Canada is a democracy only because we vote, not because our vote actually has any power. BTW, in Canada, all election results are hand counted and results are known within hours of polls closing, and there are no mile long poll station lines. There are just a lot of polling stations.

The person below me has visited a hospital for mentally sick patients, not as a guest, volunteer or as a health care worker.
Not yet <wonders whether Gods peon is planning a visit, committing me or where that came from>

The person below me checked out all the pictures posted of our trip!
True, and I think the first one I'm in makes it look like I drank every one of those glasses dry, if you know what I mean... :eek:

The person below me finds that online friends they meet rarely look like they'd imagined them.
True, that's why I have a weird stance in the Lake Tahoe pic. I'm ducking under a tree branch.

The person below me can help my wife with an Ace2 addon problem. have to have a wife in-order for that to happen!

the person below me thinks that its cruel that drivers try and scare younger drivers!!! its so scary seeing a car tailgating or in your lane *shivers*
the person below me thinks that its cruel that drivers try and scare younger drivers!!! its so scary seeing a car tailgating or in your lane *shivers

Welcome to the world of idiot drivers on the idiot road.​

All towns have a place
Where decent drivers are not safe
Where traffic law is touch and go
Where the posted limit does not bind
And half the drivers seem to blind
And the other half is stupid, whoa, whoa, whoa

Well Billy-Bob and Bobby-Sue
And little Jimmy-Jerry and Betty-Boo
All know it's dangerous to go
Down on Idiot Road

Down on Idiot Road they drive real fast
They never put their signal on when they want to pass
They cut you off as they talk on their cell phones (Down on Idiot Road)
Granny's doing thirty on the passing lane
The tailgater behind you got his bumper on your brain
Where people think that stop means go
Down on Idiot Road

The guy beside you picking his nose
Starts running you off the road
You give him a honk and he gives you the finger
So you swerve into the passing lane
But the idiot is doing the same
And your turnoff's coming up, whoa, whoa, whoa

So a three lane change you try to pull
When some guy on a bicycle
Puts his spandex butt where you need to go
Down on Idiot Road

Down on Idiot Road they drive real fast
They never put their signal on when they want to pass
They cut you off as they talk on their cell phones (Down on Idiot Road)
Granny's doing thirty on the passing lane
The tailgater behind you got his bumper on your brain
Where people think that stop means go
Down on Idiot Road
Down on Idiot Road
Down on Idiot Road
Down on Idiot Road

The person below has never been in a major accident that was their fault.​
True, and no major accidents at all *knock on wood*

The person below me is scared that Gala is learning to drive hehe
False, I'm not even in the same country!!! w00t, my sidewalks are safe.

The person below has driven in a country where they drive on the left side of the road.
True, and it is weird making right turns across traffic.

The person below me saw a Transvestite yesterday (yeah for mission trips to San Fran).
um false? i dont know what that is!!!

the person below me thinks its cruel that when i freaked out when a car swerved towards me that i freaked out and my dad laughed at me
False. Welcome to the world of Dad's teaching their son's to drive.

The person below me is amazed that there even is such a thing as a transvestite. (a man dressed up as a woman Gala)
False, and we have spent enough time on the subject...

The person below me is wondering how meli will decorate her new apartment
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