~*~* The Scrapbooking Thread ~*~


New Member
ok, so Ive begun a new hobby.. Digital Scrapbooking!

I have just started doing it, so they are not all that wonderful.. but the nice thing is I can edit my pieces whenever I want because nothing is glued down :)

I didnt want to spend money on photo editing software (like Photoshop) so Im using Microsoft Picture It. Youll need a program that supports png files in order to use the really cool 'stickers' and 'flowers' etc!

Here's one I did you can look at. If yall end up being somewhat interested, Ill post links to sites where they give freebies (this is so popular that alot of ppl sell their stuff). We'll see where it goes from there!

Love is..

ps: if you want to check out my Craft Blog, feel free! There are some pretty neat ideas on there.. everything from sewing purses (check out the christmas tote, my mom loves it) to making ribbon roses (youve GOT to do those with your kids, theyre beautiful!) There's also a FREEBIE link on one of my recent posts. Be sure to check the archives to see all of them!
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cool beanz

i love scrap booking, never thought of doing it digitally (of all people!! right)
Very cool. I'll have to try it out! I didn't know digital scrapbooking existed.

Now my next hurdle is getting some digital pics. I haven't taken any in forever!
check this one out :)

its kind of big on that page haha but you can see it in my blog too (link in siggie)

I also downloaded new fonts.. one of which i used on that page. I didnt know you could get new fonts until today :)

warning: it's addictive.

ETA: the black part is called an overlay.. you can use any background behind it. and I didnt put Lexie's pic in there because I didnt know if her parents would approve of it being public :)

oops! danny likes this one :)
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LOL who needs another addictive activity (have you noticed what forum you are posting this too!?!?! LOL) helloooooo hehaha

yeah that lexie one is pretty, i bet the kid is cute too :)
These are wonderful! I would love to get together with you and find out where to get some of the free things to download. I think the girls and I would love playing around with these.

I also loved your blog. Great to see another crafter out there. I love to do crafts of all kinds, and now my girls do to. Hence the reason we now have one room that is just sewing/craft room. hehe

Thanks so much for sharing this all. I LOVE IT!

haha holly :) thats why i knew this would be the perfect place :p jk!

Shuranda: definitely! we can exchange messengers in PM if you like. Also on my blog I have categories added to the posts. You can find the ones marked freebies :) I always post where my Layout elements come from.

One thing you do need is a program that supports png files. Alot of people use photoshop, but I didnt want to spend money so Im using Microsoft Picture It Express. You probably have it on your pc, I think mine came with my XP pack. and it's free. hehe

Im posting some tutorials on my blog too.. so much fun! I have a few tutorials on my crafting site too.. I actually have to use one pretty soon because Ive forgotten how to make a baby blanket and my sister is due in 3 weeks :p

Id love to see some of your piccies if you have any! and if youre ever interested Id be glad to help you set up a blog.. theyre easy to post to and alot of fun :) eta: if you dont have one already, flickr accounts are great! its a place to store your pictures and you can make them private so only friends and family can see.. or noone but you! I have a paid account, but its only like $20 a year and I needed it (I uploaded 105 pictures yesterday) ~ they have wonderful FREE accounts too!

anyways im blabbing because I get excited!

ps: something ive found while DLing these kits and elements.. they can get to be pretty big. My suggestion is to burn them to CD if you want to start a collection like I have, or just use them one at a time.

~*~*~* FREEBIE ALERT ~*~*~ from creative techniques magazine! a whole kit to play around with WOOHOO!
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so.. shuranda and I are having a BLAST with this.. if anyone else wants to join in give me a holler and Ill send you my messenger :)

check these out :)



~*~ Renée ~*~
Those are awesome...I did spend a tiny bit of time trying out some stuff but couldn't get it to work and then Andrew wanted me....guess I'll wait until I have some uninterrupted time to get hooked :D
those are so wonderful, shuranda :)

my mom gets so happy every time I make her a page haha :) its just such a nice way to tell the story of something you dont want to forget :)
I had so much fun tonight making my first page!

I downloaded the free software from ScrapbookFlair.com and gave it a whirl. The pics I had were a little old, but they gave me something to work with.

Try not to laugh too much ;)
Christmas 2005
aww i love it!! you did great :)

maybe youd like to get a free flickr account so you can see some pictures that I have for friends and family.. I promise to add you! heheh

because you did such a great job, I have a present for you!

pressie 1

pressie 2

if you want my messenger just let me know, ill give you the LD on the goodies (freebies) haha :)
*pout* I wanted my cookie! Unfortunately I can't punish something that adorable.

I have a flickr acct. I'll PM ya the details.
i laughed so much when i saw those presents I linked.. especially the second one!

im glad you have flickr.. I really love it I have ALOT of photos! I sent you a PM :)

ETA i cant help myself.. I keep clicking the links.. they make me giggle!!

I LOVE your 1st page. You did a great job! I also have a flickr account and would love to share with you. PM me or Renee can give it too you also. Her and I have been having lots of fun with these pages. We have done lots of talking about scrapbooking on Instant Messenger. You are welcome to join in on the fun. We have LOTS of freebies to share with you.

Here is one to get you started.... http://bestscrapfreebies.itopsites.com/
My wife loves scrapbooking. She has her own scrapbook room with all her supplies laid out and a shelf full of bursting scrapbooks. She's still old school and does it all by hand. Though she has started playing with different computer fonts and now is totally digital when it comes to photos.

She has a few things online but I'm not sure where so can't show you.