The start of something big


New Member
God has revealed to me the beginning of my calling, and I am overflowing with nervous excitement. I won't go into detail on what it is, He has also told me to keep to myself and the few who will be joining me.

I am asking for prayer for guidance, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, faith, and strength. There is a complete possibility for us not to ever see our fruit, so it's going to take some faith for that.

Thanks all
John, the most important thing I can suggest to you is this: No matter the level of "success" or "failure" of your project, success is already established by God's promises in the Bible, and further success comes from the fact that you've stepped out in faith and are willing to follow God's directions for you and your assistants.

Lord we pray for John and his companions. We thank you for this opportunity and the directions that you are giving them. May they continue to step out in faith and follow your commands, and work wherever you lead them. May they all use this event to shape how they live the rest of their lives for you. Lord, we thank you for our brothers that set a good example here, and ask that you use them to help us grow so we can follow what they've done and go where you lead us as well. We thank you for John, his friends, and his ministry that you are establishing. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Let us know what happens, when the time is right.

That is crazy awesome! I'll pray for you; this is something that is really exciting to see. Man, you will be blown away when you realize and act on God's purpose for your life. I wish and pray for the best for you and your friends.