The Workforce


New Member
I thought it might be cool to see what kind of jobs most of CGA has. Being as we all attain different levels of geekdom, i imagine that there are a lot of PC related jobs..
Also feel free to post your dream job.. Skills and capital no object :D

To kick it off:

My Job: I work as an engineering technician (training to be a principal structural engineer) for a company that designs distribution centres.. I get to play with all kinds of cool software like AutoCAD, Revit, WinDES, Moss, TEDDS and other such things.. I would say that 3D modelling in Revit is the best part.

My dream job: Definitely torn between the idea of setting up some sort of LAN cafe or something similar and being a musician. Of course being talented enough to play all my own instruments and do all my own programming is wayyyy into
I unload trucks for FedEx at night time. It's brutal, but it gets me in better shape. I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune when I start drywalling on top of that. :p
I'm a software programmer. Basically, all those fun and cool software that Rizz gets to play with: i get to make. Though, I don't make those particular ones...
I'm a firefighter/paramedic in an poor area - I see a lot of homeless, addicts, and unemployed people with no health insurance (and subsequently, poor health care).

I'm also certified as an EMS instructor (I can teach paramedic-level courses). I have my CPR Instructor card, but letting it drop because I'm lazy and we have waaaay too many CPR instructors where I work. I don't get to teach enough classes to justify going through the hassle of recertification every 2 years.

Dream job? I think I have it. I don't know what else I would do if I couldn't do this. Probably live in the basement and mooch off my wife.
I program stuff in PHP/C# (mostly PHP) to support our engineering/GIS department. I also had the fun of migrating our data from SDF (geospacial info) + MsSQL (data) to MySQL (geospacial + data), which eliminated the semi weekly 5 hour export of data. I can sorta use AutoCad Map3d (mostly to setup schemas and mess with the data tools) but I don't draw.
Current occupation:
Property manager\partial owner for 6 privately owned businesses.

My current duties include day to day business, bank deposits, payroll, taxes, accounting, ordering and maintaining supplies, setting up new accounts, scheduling, paying bills, etc. etc.

The 6 businesses are:
3 mini-storage facilities
2 shipping companies (fedex, ups, usps)
1 charter airline company

Typical workweek for me is 6 days a week, M-S, 51 hours a week.

Dream job: Having a LAN\Cafe center. When I make my millions, watch out world for the new wave of LAN centers with my wife running the Cafe!
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I'm currently a student. Major: biochemistry. Class for 22-26 hours a week, then a ton of studying to do on top of that. Hoping to be a professor later in life, doing research on diseases -- cancer unless someone beats me to it.

Dream job: author.
I work for the BNSF Railway, as a locomotive electrician. So I troubleshoot electrical problems with locomotives, like why they aren't producing all 4400 horsepower. And sometimes I do monthly maintenance on them.

Dream job: Helicopter Pilot
I'm a student in the military and I go to school roughly 40 hours a week.

My dream job would to become an author, a teacher, or any job that is very adventurous. Heh.
Holy crap you guys are all skilled like mad, especially elihu and durruck.

Currently a Student at Washington State University (GO COUGS! PAC 10 FTW) working towards a broadcast communication degree.

Semi future - I interviewed for a job to do video editing over the summer and hopefully they will have enough work to keep me on for at least 6 months.

dream job: Pro-Gamer :D
Might add, my wife wants to be a paramedic but is stuck in a menial admin job.

One day, when Elihu makes his I can mooch a staff job in one of his cafes and get my wife on some paramendic training.

EDIT: Should it be me that makes the millions, i would get a bunch of people on a full-time wage working on ToJ/CGA and get a heap of servers running.. Make it all professional like. (as well as the LAN cafes).
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I studied to be a mechanical engineer at ISU (Iowa State University) for 4 years and then switched to go work for the family business. So currently I'm as follows:

Journeyman Electrician
Journeyman Plumber
Journeyman HVAC/Hydronics

Will be updating them all to Master when the time for me to take over the family business is here, as my father currently holds the master licenses to all.

Dream Job, easy, win it big so I can spend most of my time volunteering my time rather then charging for it.
My current occupation is student, but I do put hours into a local Ford dealership, perhaps more than I want to... (no raise in the 4 years I have been there... and no you sense no frustration there :D).

At the dealership I do the following for the service department:

  • Cashier
  • Accounting
  • File Clerk
  • Creator of Repair Orders (Service Advisor)
  • Correct various mistakes (Advisor and "Marion the Barbarion" cashier mistakes)
  • Customer/Employee buffer... ( stuff sometimes)
  • Shuttle Driver
  • Service Valet
  • Spray-in Truck bed installer
  • And I even change oil sometimes...
At school I am headed towards Human Resources. The dealership where I work kinda made me want to do that, because 4 years and no raise?!? To top it off I am not the only one. =P

My dream job would be an HR Manager (sounds exciting I know). I want people to enjoy working where they are employed, even if it is a menial job. My experience has led me to do this.
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Meh, my job doesn't require much skill. If it's burning, put water on it. If you're not breathing, breathe for you. If your heart's not beating, electrocute you. Although I do appreciate all your kind words that make it seem like you guys think that I actually do something. *grin*

It does get a bit more complex, but I'm definitely not as smart as a lot of other people. I look at the programming and business management stuff and scratch my head, wondering how anyone ever figures that stuff out.
CNC Programmer

This is a computer job too, primarily. I draw (like AutoCAD) in MasterCAM X² sometimes 2D sometimes 3D precision items, then I use the software to put virtual cutters (drills, end mills, etc.) to the part, which produces Toolpaths. The end result is a text file of "G-code" which makes a CNC mill or lathe cut the part as desired. "CNC" stands for "Computer Numerical Control", which is a fancy way of saying "semi-automated". Sometimes I am called on to set up a CNC machine, or work in the Tool Room doing jig / fixture work.

I graduated a Vo-Tech in 1983 with a Diploma in "Machine Tool", which qualified me to get a job as a "machinist". The USAF promised I could be a machinist, but instead they made me a Marksmanship Instructor. After the USAF, I went back to being a machinist, but got the opportunity in 2001 to cross train into CNC work & Programming. That good job lasted 22 monts, when suddenly the Boss came in and said the company was bankrupt. I persued other CNC jobs till recently. I now work for POM, Inc., the inventor of the original Park-O-Meter (parking meter). Besides parking meters, we do other aluminum alloy die-castings, and various other commercial machine shop type of work.
Current Job: Shift Supervisor at Starbucks. it's all the drink-making/order taking stuff plus playing with money/telling people what to do.

I'm also a senior Mass Media major.

Dream Job: no clue. that's probably my biggest problem with school, as i really don't know what i'll do with my degree/after i graduate.
Current Job: Student at College of the Ozarks (Major in CS). Since it is a work/study college (yay! no after school debt!) I work in the Computer Center as a Computer Technician.

That is, I fix/update/replace the Campus' many computers as necessary. And since every computer is on a two year upgrade cycle, I help image and set up all the new ones that come in. Occasionally I'll work with the server hardware, but not too much (too much sensitive data for students to be near... ;)).

My dream job: Be a Network Admin at some small to mid sized business or institution. :rolleyes:
I am currently a Senior Computer Science Major, but I also work part time as a Enterprise Systems Administrator (read Server Administrator).

My dream job would be Programming for Department of Defense contracts.