Thread 1 - what I like about GW2 and can't wait to do more of

Abba San

Legacy of Elijah [LoE] - Proud Grandfather
I'm curious what other people are experiencing - in this thread, the positives.

To get it started - I loved all the options in creating a character. I already found a few things I'll do different in the for real time.
I will again 2nd the character options as being awesome!

I love to make red heads in MMO's and I found the options for creating characters to be super sweet! I am looking forward to make more characters today.

I did also enjoy the "This is my story..." aspect as well. It gave me the feeling of doing something a bit greater than just playing an mmo. I felt like I could seriously geek out and RP if I wanted.

I was very impressed that what I saw in a class video I was able to do almost right away! The thief class is what sold me on the game and being able to shoot a bullet, turn into a wisp of black smoke and appear behind my target was just too cool! A lot of times those videos show you end game abilities, not starting abilities!

I love group quests and shared objectives. this is something I felt Warhammer got right, and I am glad to see another game pick it up and do it well.

Huge fan of being able to revive people when the die.

Speaking of dying I like that before I die I can "Fight for my life". I do not have the mechanics down yet but it is a cool concept.

I am sure I will have more to say soon... :)

Yes character customization is really nice, I need to make more 'toons to look at more variety. Yes "Fight For Your LIfe" has saved my bacon 4 times now, and kept me from dying at all in eight hours of play. The size and richness of Divinity's Reach really impressed me, spent about an hour exploring Divinity's Reach and opening points of interest and way points. I like that even in the overflow there is bunches to do rather than sit around being bored to tears. The variety of weapons even in the low areas are fascinating. When I first showed up with a hatchet in my hand as a ranger I was fairly confused, then I started building up the skills and wow, it really was an effective ranged weapon. Then I got another, better one on a drop, and used them two handed. Very nice. Mostly after building up the skills I could there I then started building up other weapons skills. Bar fight complete with bottles? Hitting stuff with a big stick?
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1) Graphics are amazing
2) Even leveling curve
3) Encouragement to do group/community activities
4) Variety of skills in action bar
5) Underwater and water graphics are breathtaking
6) Graphics
7) Artistic style all around especially infrastructure
I like the character customization - similar to Aion.
I like the "this is your story" aspect - similar to Mass Effect
Fight for your life is cool... although I fail at it so
I'm really liking the way you train up weapon skills. It sort of forces you to use whatever you find and can use so you can get those abilities.

I need to stop exploring the big cities and actually doing other things...but I love exploring!!
The thief class is what sold me on the game and being able to shoot a bullet, turn into a wisp of black smoke and appear behind my target was just too cool!


Me? I'd say like...everything...haha...I really enjoy the combat, it took me a while to get used to the "don't move and you die" thing because in WoW you just stand there and mash, but now I'm really liking it, feels like an actual battle. One of my favorite thief abilities is "Leaping Death Blossom". When you do it multiple times its like being a flying ninja and just looks so cool.
lol - I learned some strong lessons about "don't move and you die."

Had a good time in there for a couple of hours today.
Ok really gave my elementalist a good shot tonight and I have to say its amazing.

I went into WvWvW and found myself moving like a ninja. I was casting chasing down runners and even when it got really fuzzy my dodge skills kept me going.

Im loving the combat.

One of the Knife fire skills is a roll that leaves a trail of fire and explodes when you hit something, that skill is amazing when stuff is up close or too far away.

I found myself rushing melee mobs and players and using my fire breath, then hitting that skill to get away from them as they now had to chase me through my fire and then I would hit them a few more times and do a basic dodge. I was loving the mobility I had as a caster.

NEVER have I played a caster who didn't have to stand still for 3-4 seconds to cast his or her spells.
I'm LLLOOOOVING the dye system. I love that I can add a new piece of armor without looking like I got dressed in the dark!

Also, I love how quickly I'm getting new armor and that thieves and rangers and engineers can all get the same cool looking duds.
In the Charr Engineer storyline, there was one point where I got to man a cannon and pummel mobs of ghosts. Easy, but it was kind of like manning the trebuchet for the first time in Fort Ranik. Mwuhahaha.

I spent most of my time exploring the areas and didn't do anything with story line until late on Sunday. I figured I should get the area explored before I move to a new area with the story line, like GW1 did, but I liked that you could run around the area, do a few events, then back to the story line when you felt like it or have leveled up a little.

The "events" were fun, but I had to learn to ignore them occasionally, especially after doing the same one several times.
I like that you don't have to run around looking for a quest-giver. It's cool that the quest just automatically appears when you enter an area. I like the events, but agree with having to ignore them at times. Plus, there was one time when I was in the area where a giant wasp appeared that everybody had to kill. I died many, many times and eventually gave up. I was outside the area just exploring trying to get to Beetlerun when the event completed and I still got credit! I'm trying to decide if that was cool or

I love the crafting! In other games, you can spend hours crafting a couple of items. I like that it speeds up as you're crafting multiple items.

I love that you can access the broker without being at a trading post. If you buy something, you have to go to a trading post to pick it up, but it's nice being able to browse and list items.

I like the guild concept. It's cool opening up the guild window and seeing Kyrel, Orry and others on Blazeridge Mountains while I was on Eternal Grove. We need to get the guild chat more active. I said hello and I think Melinarlia did as well, but there was no response. I created a separate guild chat window. People probably missed it if their local chat was active and they were engrossed in the game.

I didn't like the graphics at first... it seemed cartoony... but once I got into DR, I loved it! The colors are very vibrant. I liked throwing out a wall of fire and that it actually looked like a wall of fire! What I didn't understand is that it didn't always seem to work. In some areas, my phoenix would fly out, explode, then come back. Other times there was no phoenix flying out but it still seemed to have the same effect. Maybe it only worked in certain areas as they work out the bugs?

It's clear that they are going to make a lot of money with the gem concept. I hope everyone tried it out by "buying" the 2000 gems. I converted a bunch into gold, but being a cheapskate, I didn't buy much. I wonder how much the gems will actually cost. I might rationalize throwing in $15 or so every month or two since that is what I've spent in pay-to-play MMOs.

There's a lot I like in this game that outweighs what I don't like.
Out of 30 enemies I managed to not even get hit once because I learned to circle strafe the target while firing on them with my rifle, it's an awesome system in the game! I even had my Bro kill a level 8 Ettin with his level 3 dagger thief, that's some good strafing skills.(and he had only 2 hours of GW2 play time under his belt)
And for those of you who don't know how or are having a hard time circle strafing, Ettins are Great practice because if you don't move you can go down in one hit!

I have a GW2 album on my Facebook, it has 292 pictures in it so if you have a Facebook account you can check it out, I point out the "painted" style in some of the pictures. It also has pictures of the Charr city, Divinity's Reach, and the Norn's Hoelbrak.
FB GW2 Album
The link doesn't work if you aren't logged in to a Facebook account, if you are logged in and still doesn't work then I'll have to figure something out..
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I love mail. With the ability to use alot of what we picked up it was so easy to say, "Hey honey, could you use a pistol?" and send it right over.
