Thread 2 - what I didn't like in GW2 and hope they change

Abba San

Legacy of Elijah [LoE] - Proud Grandfather
I'm also curious about what others see as a potential problem or just wish they would change before the final release.

I had a couple of minor things - I clearly have to go online and review key-strokes. I kept jumping instead of hitting - had a hard time targeting - and a couple of other keyboard problems. That is more me than the game and I know I'll get used to that.

I found that I couldn't pan out as far as I would like in the battles. Hopefully that will be adjusted.

Frankly, the graphics in the Charr world were not as rich as I had expected or seen in the lead up videos. A little disappointing.

I also was surprised my ranger started with an axe instead of a bow.

I enjoyed the couple of hours I had in game - looking forward to more time logged.

The couple hours I spent playing were interesting.

I could not help but agree about the graphics. It did seem that where I was was night time all of the time. I started as a human/thief. I felt the graphics even when turned all the way up were still a slight disappointment. (but I play WoW so anything close to real is better) Maybe the daytime will look better.

I also did not feel "emersed" in the story line. I felt pushed from place to place and then thrown into a group area with group quests... I did not get much of a "solo" feel which I think tends to lead to more involvement with a story line.

I also do not think they did a good job explaining abilities to you when you start out. it was a lot of "push this and see what happens"

Lastly, I disliked the "comic book/anime" style of intro video and cut scene dialouge. Felt like it was a mix between marvel and anime. It is okay, just not my personal style.
*sigh*Yes the controls, I agree I spent a lot of time banging around on the keyboard and seeing what happened, and after 8 hrs I still feel a little lost and confused. That space bar seems to be a problem for many people. I see a lot of others just jumping at weird times. And targeting I am still trying to get down. The early experience seemed a little frantic for learning keyboard strokes. No real time to really look at the skills you learn. Especially the Save Yourself skills. It took a lot of lost loot before I even got that down pat. I will continue to smush stuff in overflow until I get better.
Graphics?!?! Are you crazy? This is one of the most gorgeous games I've ever played. Everything looks hand painted. I'd say the game looks better than the lead up videos. I know everyone is entitled to their opinions, but the graphics, really!?!?

Also, controls took about 3 minutes to get used to...not sure the problem there either.

That being said, the I have 3 complaints...
1) Yesterday, some of us got trapped in an instance and could not leave. Had to log out.
2) At the end of some "nearby events" there can be zerg rushes that seem just this side of OP.
3) Graphics performance is all over the place in terms of minute it's 44 FPS, next it's 17 FPS.
Clarify 2, I may agree in part there. But on one event in Orchard that had a finale with a "boss" spider that was insane when everyone opened up at once.
Clarify 2, I may agree in part there. But on one event in Orchard that had a finale with a "boss" spider that was insane when everyone opened up at once.

Good point...the clarification is...wait until you are out of the starting zone when there isn't 50 people within 20 meters. when you have 10 people and you are fighting waves of +2 levels with 5 baddies each it can get a little dicey.
I remember when I played my first non-GW MMO and kept hitting the spacebar to I'm used to hitting the spacebar to jump now, which is how most MMOs use it. I 100% agree with the graphics. If all you've played is GW and Wow, then it's probably an improvement. I found other MMOs to have much more detailed graphics, however. This seems really "cartoony." I also had issues with not being able to pan out as far as I would like. Hope they fix that.
I think my issue with graphics is strictly the trees and the bushes and the grass...

the player models were fine... again.. i was only in that buffer zone and only at night... I will play more and I hope that disagreement changes... Graphics are a huge deal to me...
If you dont like the darkness go to the Norn Starting place. Its snowing all the time but its light outside most of the time.

Also I agree with tomfoolery in that it looks hand painted even when you turn the graphics down some. I would agree that some other games have nice graphics too but this one looks like they made each place without reproduced models. Look at the trees, they dont look like the same one over and over again.

SPACE bar issues: I know where you guys are coming from.... Guild Wars 1.... All other MMOs have always used space for jump not attack so I am not having this issue, its based on your history of playing GW1. I will say I did the opposite when I tried to play GW1, I kept hitting space to try and jump and started running across the screen.
My only gripe at the moment is that I can't log on anymore. It booted me earlier today and keeps saying it can't log me in. I've restarted and I clearly have an Internet connection. I just want to play more! Oh well...I guess I can go be social with real people in person...
I also was surprised my ranger started with an axe instead of a bow.

I think why you start out with an axe is because it's not long range or melee range but medium range, and the most newbie friendly.
It wouldn't be wise to use a long bow as a beginner weapon because new players will most likely think that range wont affect damage.. Here's a link for longbows first skill.
Long Range Shot.

The notes say that the closer you the less damage you do
Damage dealt with Long Range Shot is based on distance to the target:

1000+ Range: High damage
500-1000 Range: Medium damage
0-500 Range: Low damage
And the reason why I think they didn't give the short bow to new players is:
Shortbow — quick skirmishing weapon relying on movement, positioning and conditions for quick kills.
New players to GW2 or MMOs for that matter don't know about; Conditions or what they do, positioning yourself in combat to get more damage out of the skills, or to keep moving in order to evade very damaging attacks from enemies..

So the most basic easy to use weapon would be the axe or the sword..
(sword might confuse new players when they're leaping and retreating when using their skills or mashing buttons)
Greatsword — a brute force, heavy-damage weapon with emphasis on countering and evasion.
Longbow — powerful sniping weapon, used for rapid fire strikes or barrages at long distance.
Shortbow — quick skirmishing weapon relying on movement, positioning and conditions for quick kills.

Sword — mobile melee strikes which can be used to distance the ranger from the target or surprise them from behind.
Axe — medium ranged throwing weapon which can ricochet off a target or can toss a cluster of axes in a line.
I got out of the darkness and into the light today. Much better - and more fun.

The graphics were better - but I hold to the cartoony feel - that's just me. I'll get over it. Like I did with the original GW.

One thing I hope they fix - I died - left the game completely - as in closed GW2 - when I restarted an hour or so later I came back in the same spot and dead. I'm assuming that is unintentional and will be fixed.
I miss the red dots on the map... I keep hearing and targetting bad guys and spinning all around trying to find them. Why no red dots? Bring back the compass! So far that's my biggest beef.

Also, the whole thing felt very random and rushed. Several times I came up on a boss just as he died. That doesn't make me feel like a hero at all!

I'm assuming it gets a little better once you get out of the starting bits and out of the huge crowd of people. Also, I imagine it gets easier once you get a feel for what they're trying to tell you to do.
I played both norn and charr, and here-by remove my graphics gripe (for the most part) I also didnt have any glare on my screen which helps... :D
Running off a cliff and dying. Getting dumped in a huge furball of a fight being expected to survive (the Orphanage).
The few hours I had because of a down computer - left me without much to complain about. They clearly still have some work to do - but GW2 is going to be awesome.
The temptation to jump off high things to see if I can make it... and then the irritation when they put up guard rails and I CAN'T jump off to see if I can make it.

Also I was in the Black Citadel today and trying to find something only to run into walls and dead ends was kindofa pain. I had flashbacks to Kaineng City.
The Kaineng City reference is apt. Sunday before it dawned on me the different levels in Divinity's Reach. I had been merrily exploring DR and had opened up about 80% of it before it hit me. And for the rest of it a tutorial area like in Prophecies would have been nice, and I will reiterate it needs the red dots for enemies. How many times while running around did I run smack dab into nasties? I lost count.