Thunder UI

As did I, the primary developer has left but the project has been reassigned to the other developer so it will continue. I will check this one out though
My challenge with it is that I would like to have the options to show the pet's target. I do not know how to write the script to do that or where the changes would need to be made.

Other than that, I find it extremely light on memory usage and like it a lot!
I was running xperl, but it took up so much memory I was having problems in ICC - specifically the Sindragosa fight at the part she draws everyone into her and then the big freeze. The blue haze would drop my frame rate horridly and I could not get away. So I went from running about 40 mB to about 8 mB. Amazingly, xperl was a big memory user for me so I am working to find something lighter.
Shadow uf does meld nicely! Thanks! Now I have only the map, the bottom info (guild, friends, armor, gold, etc.) and am still under 11 mB memory used.