Thursday - July 25, 2013

Part Time Player

New Member
Philipians 4:7 And the grace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I've been excited about this little ministry on the forums, and have really been blessed by it. I have my life verse in my signature, and thought to myself... "Why haven't I used this as a VotD thread?" Well, here it is! :)

I actually have a tattoo of this verse reference on my chest. It's a shield with the reference on the crest over my heart. I'll see if can find a picture of it sometime, but anyway on with the goodness.

If anyone has looked at my profile you know I turned 30 a couple months ago, and I was saved in 2001, which is the year I graduated high school. Having not grown up in a Christian home I did they typical "cool" high school kid stuff and was not necessarily in trouble a lot, but I was about as worldly as you can get.
Long story short, I ended up meeting this very sweet girl who loved the Lord ( and me as I found out later :eek: ) and got me going to church. After seeing her kind-heartedness and joyful spirit, I really craved what she had and wanted to know more. However, after the life I had lived I never believed I could be a Christian. I compared her life to mine and said there is no way. I expressed this concern to her and we had a sit down with the youth leader at her church, and he showed me this verse, and it all changed.

The concept is so simple, yet unbelievably profound. God's grace is literally unfathomable. So even though I can't begin to believe that He would forgive me, His grace surpasses all my capable understanding. As a simple minded teenager that was good enough for me. As the years have gone by I've earned a greater understanding for this verse and God's word in general and can apply it to my life better now than I could then.

Even though I had my heart filled with worldliness, His grace helped guard my heart from then on, and helped me to change my life to honor and glorify Him.
Thanks for sharing some of your testimony.

Curious...which version did you use for the verse? Most of the ones I use have "peace of God" as in your signature. None of my versions say "grace of God."