Thursday Nights

Which instance would you like to do Thursday until BWL starts?

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So, I find myself available for Thursday night game time, starting next week October 19th. I am not available on Mondays anymore.

I was curious as to which instance would most people want on a Thursday night after Bible Study?

I am not assuming taking anything from anyone just a general poll.
what about a night to help people gear up for MC if that is to go through an instance to get some gear that will help out in MC that might have some FR to it, or maybe get a bunch flower pickers together to get the FR pots that I keep hearing about
I think we should save AQ20 for saturdays/sundays.

During the week, we should do ZG! Let's get those enchants!
I'd vote for some world PVP. Isn't there a racial leader 5 pulls from the back door of Undercity? (Icthus, were you telling me about this?) I would be all over that...
I vote for Pvp or a surprise. With 5 day timers you never know which instance most people will be able to go to that day anyways....Ony sounds good and so does ZG. I don't think anyone at Sanctification has a raiding schedule figured out yet....we just agree to no raiding until after bible study on Thursday. :)
Thursdays are bad for me...but that's just me. I'm not overly important and you guys can definitely run raids without me. If Ony is moved to just means less raiding for me....which could be a good thing....
Is it too late to add a new option? Thursday's could be HORDE day on cenarius. We all level our cows up together and raid Astranaar or something.
Is it too late to add a new option? Thursday's could be HORDE day on cenarius. We all level our cows up together and raid Astranaar or something.

We tried to do this on Sundays one time. It really was odd. If someone did not want to play Horde what did they do? They still played Alliance. It was kind of weird. You did not know if you were suppose to play there or not.

I am not a big horde fan. I do like cows when cooked over an open flame.
Thursday evenings do happen to be great days for me to raid. I kind of have my hopes up that when MC is moved to more of a farm status, that it'll be mored to Thursdays so I can go, and the BWL-ers will probably be on Fridays in the future.

But, I'm up to just about anything...organized PvP, AQ20, ZG, MC. But I voted for AQ20 since we are doing ZG on Tuesday this week which is also good by me.