
Thanks for your patience
in the mean time, practice your skills
sup you guys,
there is no booing for wc3 by the way...(hehe)
I think you have to "like" some rts's to get good at them, wc3 is a good example of that, that hero rushing thing is tough one at first, but it becomes another part of your play after a while, using it and defending it.

hey holycrusader, what's the sn for your good(skillwise) friend on b-net?

Yes, a tourney would rock, and I have a couple friends that might be interested too. Thnx for the effort guys.
I signed up with TOJ yesterday, got accepted today, and am really liking it... now. Looks like there has been quite a bit of effort put into the site, it looks really good and well rounded, with the scripture of the moment and charter and all the other stuff.

i will so enter the SC tourney.....

although i must say i have had God on my side lately in RTS so if He is for me, who can stand against muahahahahhaha

Reasons why i say this
I beat bowser and a friend of his almost alone (krypt was my parter )
i beat exo-slayer in a 1v1
i beat ToJkryptonite in a 1v1.....
Today I was thinking about a couple of tourneys me and some friends have had. Somehow, this came to me.
Since it may be hard to have everybody involved show up at the same time, we could just organize the tourney on the site or the forum, and over two or three dates, or a longer period of waiting, have the contenders fight on their own time, and send the replay's in by e-mail. Thereby we would have a suspenseful waiting for results... AND have some replay's for the site.
*looks around* whats that?? one sec.

*finishes he's opponent in SC*

ahh after losing 4 rounds my team finally beat them! *pats himself on the bak*

anyway, i think tournament is.. delayed greatly. I'm flooded with the school stuffs, and so is Micah. however, i think i'm going to use the upcoming Spring break for me to spend some time for the chapter
my 'godlike' friend is that[one]guy on he's thatoneguy880 on AIM if u wanna ask him anything. He hasn't played recently tho. lol if i mention a tourney to him he'll stay up three nights in a row praticing. That's what he did last time lol. Count me in on the tourney too- even though i'm horrible. lol. And if u guys want a bot run for this one too i'd be happy to do that for ya again, even though it wasn't really needed last time due to few people showing up.