Tribe of Judah Members

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I apologize for all the people who have been asking me to update this list. I'm currently out of town and have been for the past week and a half. Also, our chapter is undergoing a reorganization with the following of a leadership change as well as other changes planned in the works. When I get home and settled in, I'll see about updating this list and making sure all info is current. Thank you again for your continued patience.
I remember you Vaya - hopefully someone sets you up, if not, post again and I'll see what I can do.
you updated but forgot to add me

I could be wrong and may have missed something, but I don't see your info on the Get whitelist post. If you haven't done that then you aren't a Tribe of Judah Minecraft member. You were playing as a WWJD Member, not a TOJ Member.
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And we're still in the process of organizing at the moment. Once I have the proper information, I'll reorganize the list into respective categories such as members, non member players, guards, admins and the like. We'll get there, I promise! :D
That Blsimpson is an over acheiver. -_- in more than 1 group. and hogs those groups for himself. Sheesh.
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