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:( Narnia vs Harry Potter :mad: :rolleyes: Its the same old thing really, good vs evil . One is written by A christian writer and the other a worldly writer. One promotes what is right and the other wrong.:rolleyes: So do you see it because of the special effects or the storyline? Perhaps both, but I must say for whatever the reason our adversary is having a good laugh at us. He (Satan) will use anything and everthing on this world to decieve & distract us from the real truth (Jesus). We were all pretty distracted when Lord of the Rings became a movie. Oh yea what about the Passion by good old Mel. I guess you could say that movie was a good distraction.:p So what am I trying to say here?:( In this world we are very easily distracted and as christians we must examine ourselves and keep to our prime priorities by letting God have His way in us. May the Spirit of righteousness widen our hearts and pierce our minds with the truth that is Jesus our savior. Glory to God forever! Bless you all and p.s.: Remember there is only one way>Jesus<:D

I don't want to get into a flame war over Potter vs. Narnia from a Christian perspective, but really, everybody should read the books before they make up their mind on whether they're "evil" or "good".

I love the Potterverse, I care about the characters and I love the story. The movies are ho-hum. There's nothing, in my opinion, inherently evil about Harry Potter, unless you think turning a whole new generation of kids on to reading is evil, and certainly nothing in there that's anti-Jesus/Christian. The only good vs. evil to talk about here would be Harry and Herminoe/Peter and Lucy vs. Voldermort/The White Witch.

Dismissing Potter as "evil" because it was created by a non-christian or praising Narnia because it was created by a christian doesn't do any justice to either of these creative works.

Read the books, enjoy the stories that these talented authors have brought to life, and decide for yourselves.
Shagz said:

I don't want to get into a flame war over Potter vs. Narnia from a Christian perspective, but really, everybody should read the books before they make up their mind on whether they're "evil" or "good".

I love the Potterverse, I care about the characters and I love the story. The movies are ho-hum. There's nothing, in my opinion, inherently evil about Harry Potter, unless you think turning a whole new generation of kids on to reading is evil, and certainly nothing in there that's anti-Jesus/Christian. The only good vs. evil to talk about here would be Harry and Herminoe/Peter and Lucy vs. Voldermort/The White Witch.

Dismissing Potter as "evil" because it was created by a non-christian or praising Narnia because it was created by a christian doesn't do any justice to either of these creative works.

Read the books, enjoy the stories that these talented authors have brought to life, and decide for yourselves.

Very well said.
You both missed the point. Wow! Also I meant that the storys are good vs evil. LOl I was not comparing them as one being good and the other evil. Wow! P.S. The point was that we are all easily distracted by what this world offers and this is the time we should be seeking the kingdom of God not things in this world. I can only pray that someone understands what I was trying to say.
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Shagz said:

I don't want to get into a flame war over Potter vs. Narnia from a Christian perspective, but really, everybody should read the books before they make up their mind on whether they're "evil" or "good".

I love the Potterverse, I care about the characters and I love the story. The movies are ho-hum. There's nothing, in my opinion, inherently evil about Harry Potter, unless you think turning a whole new generation of kids on to reading is evil, and certainly nothing in there that's anti-Jesus/Christian. The only good vs. evil to talk about here would be Harry and Herminoe/Peter and Lucy vs. Voldermort/The White Witch.

Dismissing Potter as "evil" because it was created by a non-christian or praising Narnia because it was created by a christian doesn't do any justice to either of these creative works.

Read the books, enjoy the stories that these talented authors have brought to life, and decide for yourselves.

Yeah...uh, no.

Read Galatians 5:19-21
Both are good movies, buying tickets for Harry Potter IMAX tomorrow. Going to be a good movie. And waiting to see LWATW.
Jeshurun said:
You both missed the point. Wow! Also I meant that the storys are good vs evil.

Hahaha, sorry dude. <blush> :eek:

But you said "One promotes what is right and the other wrong." after noting that one book was written by a christian and the other a non-christian. I took that sentence to mean "Narnia is promoting what is right, Potter is promoting what is wrong." I missed your meaning, I guess?

<EDIT>And yes, I understood what you were trying say, all clear there :)</EDIT>

Sorry for leaping on you like that, I just get irked when creative works get the "stamp of approval" by default and without review, just because a christian created it, and vice versa for non-christians. We can evaluate things based on their spiritual content, but it's not a direct correlation to the work's artistic value.

Yeah...uh, no.

Read Galatians 5:19-21

By reading a creative work of fiction, a fantasy novel, am I participating in "witchcraft"? Tolkien didn't seem to have a problem writing, creating and emersing himself in a fully realized fantasy world full of trolls, wizards and magic, nor did CS Lewis. It's fantasy, an alternate history (in the case of LotR), a hyper-reality that represents both the great good and the great evil that we see in the real world, personafied in nobel heroes and diabolical villians. Rich themes of love, revenge, peace, war, forgiveness and sacrifice run through all of these.

I don't want to retreat behind the "stumbling block", but if it's not your thing and you think it's dangerous, then ok. If you're a parent, I'm sure you can walk into any christian book store and find plenty of alternatives.

In the mean time I'll be over in the line up with the rest of the muggles, waiting for book 7. :)
As for me I will continue to seek the dark and hidden treasures in the book of Truth. Nothing compares to the Word of God. Those are nothing but fantasy books. The Bible outways them in every aspect and know this the bible is Truth and they are not. Daniel 10:21 I will tell you what is inscribed in the book of Truth. >TRUTH< Do not deceive yourself! The truth is that the word of God has more in it then all those other false books have to offer. Your eyes are the window to your soul and what goes in will effect you whether you think so or not. We are in this world but not apart of it now. We are all distracted by this world. God asks us to seek first the kingdom of God, and not the things of the world. There was question - Who is a true christian? Its simple, One who is obedient, fears God and keeps His commandments. That is the whole duty of man towards God. Ecclesiastes 12:12-13 and take a look at verse 14 as well. Are you hungry for the false things that this world offers or the truth,the word of God? For there is only one way^JESUS^, and He is he same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus is that TRUTH. I will be praying for all those in the body of Christ That He widens your hearts and that the Spirit of righteousness causes a hunger for truth to be implanted in you all. Bless you all P.S The people that write such Fantasy books have made a name for themselves on this world not realizing that they have been decieved by the enemy To distract us from the Truth. The word of God says in Proverbs 12:11 & Proverbs 28:19 he who chases fantasies lacks judgment and will have his fill of poverty. Psalm 73:20 As a dream when one awakes, so when you arise, O Lord, you will despise them as fantasies.
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I think the point that Jeshurun is trying to convey is do you read those books more than you study your bible?

If that is what you are saying Jeshurun, I definitely agree that we shouldn't let these 'worldly' books take away from the time that we spend with The Book. I, myself, am guilty of this also. I keep telling myself to open my bible and just read or join a bible study group, but I keep getting distracted by different forms of entertainment such as movies, TV, games, and books. I really NEED to do this because my knowledge of what is written in the bible is horribly insufficient. I need to learn more, to KNOW more. These distractions have definitely been hindering that goal. Please pray for me.
LOL Finally! I wrote on this point for the body of Christ and including myself. God has shown me how easily that I am distracted and knowing that I am what about the rest of the body of Christ. I thank God for Him speaking to my heart about this. Yes I will pray each day for all in the body of Christ in this matter. Bless you all
Fictional stories can be very insightful, and we can learn much from them. A lot of Frank Perry's writings revolve around examples or possibilities we can face in our Christian life.

Even Jesus told fictional stories.. we call them parables.

Reading fictional stories will not get you into trouble. Worshipping them, however, will. So, for those of you who are fans of a respective lore do not defend it or your habits eagerly.

I believe that it's healthy to have a balance of both. An example of what I mean is when I was reading the Bible, devotionals, and study materials. I needed a break after taking so much information in, and I needed a good Christian fictional novel to kind of relax on. The fictional novel I picked out proved to be incredibly useful and I actually learned a great deal more from reading it. After that, I was ready to get back into all the other things I was reading previously.
MODERATOR'S NOTE: A hostile reply from one forum member to another has been removed from this thread. The situation is being dealt with privately.

Now, back to the topic at hand. :)
kraniac said:
Read Titus 1:15.

I'll be getting book 7, definitely. The movies are OK, but not as good as the books, by far.

Note on Titus 1:15 from the Zondervan NASB Study Bible, "The principle of this verse does not conflict with the many NT teachings against practices that are morally and spirtually wrong."

Please go back and read Galatians 5:19-21.
NKJV - Eph 6:12 - For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
(emphasis added)
Love all ya'll!!!
IceBladePOD said:
Note on Titus 1:15 from the Zondervan NASB Study Bible, "The principle of this verse does not conflict with the many NT teachings against practices that are morally and spirtually wrong."

Please go back and read Galatians 5:19-21.

I read it the first time. Please don't insult my intelligence by assuming that I have not read and thought about your point.

Firstly, I don't hold Zondervan as a good judge of what is morally right or wrong. Their treatment of their NIV copyright has shown that they are primarily out to make money, not to contribute to the church at large. Secondly, that statement boils down to whether Harry Potter is morally wrong, which is an opinion. My opinion is that it isn't, and yours is (apparently) that it is. You can't define my position out of existence by arbitrarily calling it morally wrong. But that's not really what I'm talking about.

Here's what I'm saying with that verse. Harry Potter is not going to entice pure-minded Christians to convert to neo-paganism. Harry Potter might entice some secular people to neo-paganism, but since they've already sinned, they are no worse off for practicing neo-paganism.

If we're going to throw out Potter because it references a fictionalized, non-evil version of witchcraft, we should have thrown out the Greek classics like the Iliad and the Odyssey a long time ago for their explicit sex and violence.

EDIT: I would like to clarify that I do not condone real-life witchcraft in any way. In real life, witchcraft is evil. In the context of the fictional world of Harry Potter, witchcraft is neither good nor evil, it's just something that exists, and it's the people that use it that make it good or evil-- this is similar to magic in the works of Tolkien, Lewis, or most modern fantasy writers.
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EH? How the heck would Harry Potter entice secular people to neo Paganism?

Because we're not "pure minded"?

What does "pure minded" even MEAN?
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I think this could be a fruitful discussion at another time in another way

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