

New Member
Well, as some of you may have noticed I havn't been on ToJ server much lately, I havn't even been posting many messages. I havn't forgotten ToJ (Think thats impossiable) and I havn't gotten mad enuf at my ping to brake my computers (yet) er nething. I just simply haven't been on my comp much lately. I'v also been spending some time on other servers (mostly 1GoD) and a tiny bit of tfc (I'm worse at tfc then at cs if you can beleive it :p ) I'm glad that I'm not addicted to CS nemore and that I'm doing other stuff and growing in my relationship with God. But hopefully soon I might be able to pwn up da ToJ server again. Tty'all l8er

God bless ya'all

~Your sister in Christ, Eryn

It's great to hear that your relationship with God is growing. Praise the Lord! It's a great testimony to follow on your spiritual walk, and I appreciate you coming here and sharing what's going on in your life in Him.

Summer is here, and as good weather starts to peek in, I also have gradually stayed in front of my PC. God has blessed us with so many wonderful things in nature, and just to wake up to a beautiful looking "SuN"ny day brings praises to Him.

Enjoy your summer, AND vacation!

[b said:
Quote[/b] (DrummerGirl @ June 15 2003,11:17)]I'v also been spending some time on other servers (mostly 1GoD) and a tiny bit of tfc

If you ever care for some training in the wonderful world that is TeamFortress Classic, look for me on Gametiger or IM me before you head into a TFC server. I'm always looking for CS players who see the light. *G*
Hey DG.. glad to hear from u.. I dunno about tfc.. but all my friends say its easier then cs... i've played it once, got pwnzed.. nvr played it again :p

Anyways.. i've been on 1God server a lil while ago.. and i think i remember seeing u for a lil sec when u went out :p my screen names mostly NoObY #11 now adays since i've joined that clan.. but im still Flash in ToJ :p hope to c u some time in ToJ

PS: Im now protecting chickens :p instead of stepping on them.
PPS: Although now i like chickens, that admin who banned me won't ever forgive me for what i did
Young lady - you get your rear end back in the ToJ server this instant! Don't make me come over there! I thought I did a better job at teaching you NOT to play TFC (jab at Tek)..TFC is the Devil!


Well, don't be a stranger okay? You'll get a better ping soon!
A question.. what effects our ping anyways?? mine shifts between 80 to 120.. its crazy :p too bad.. when i first joined ToJ it was 40ish.. with no problems.. now i get lots of laggy problems and usp accuracy problems with high high pings.. and WAA lol tell me Y!
Ahhh, tfc, i remember back in the day when i used to play tfc with tek. He didnt know who i was and i would have to type hey tek like 30 times for an answer. and he was barly ever on.
Then elite found me in the gutter and raised me to be his fair lady. Lets not get into that ::looks at restraining order framed on wall::
Anyway i think cs is better but now im kinda getting bored of cs. DoD anyone?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TheElite @ June 16 2003,1:28)]I thought I did a better job at teaching you NOT to play TFC (jab at Tek)..TFC is the Devil!
*rubs arm* Owie~! ;_;

I agree that TFC might be difficult to learn...and that most public servers resemble team deathmatch more than capture the flag...and that you'll find as many rude and obnoxious script kiddies as in CS...but then again, where can you get away from that nowadays?

While it might not be the greatest game ever (I'm waiting for TF2, personally), it is a pleasant diversion from the "Oh, I got shot, now I'll wait five minutes while a CT camps on a cs_ map" of Counter-Strike.

Worst case scenario? You hate it and you go back to CS with renewed appreciation.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tek7 @ June 16 2003,10:31)]and that you'll find as many rude and obnoxious script kiddies as in CS
Dont even get me started on just how many people over 25 Ive gamed with over the years who are far more immature and obnoxious then alot of the teenagers I've played with. I dont appreciate age-ism!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Shark @ June 17 2003,3:49)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tek7 @ June 16 2003,10:31)]and that you'll find as many rude and obnoxious script kiddies as in CS
Dont even get me started on just how many people over 25 Ive gamed with over the years who are far more immature and obnoxious then alot of the teenagers I've played with. I dont appreciate age-ism!
i am debating switching.................................................................................
.............................................NOT!!!! tfc is soo bad.. i will play it when i just want complete chaos though
How about.................. instaed.............. make a complete chaos in CS!! that'll do better :p we'll go knife chaos!! lol i tried that with POD bots.. 30 people full house in cs_deathmatch its really crazy u get surrounded and then surround thme and again and again.. AAA we gotta try that once in a while :p (or not)
lol...talk about chaos. I found a server that plays only fun maps, mostly variations on de_rats, and gives you a grappling hook thingy to swing from the ceiling! I've seen a couple swinging knife duals, it's pretty funny. (Incidentally I found the server after doing a ToJ search on gametiger...El Penguino was in there pwning it up