Vanilla Quests, cure for burnout


New Member
Burnout is a common theme these days. Crazy to think that we've been playing this game for close to 7 years now. Nothing else comes close.

Anyhow, this is a temporary solution, but a temporary one. Any 85 who hasn't gone back and done the post-catalclysm vanilla zones ... is missing out. While the vanilla zones aren't fundamentally changed ... the quests totallly, totally are. They are much more like the 80-85 zones, with a single storlyline/questline per zone ... than the old-school "go kill 10 boar" or "collect 10 gizzards."

Badlands just can't be missed. It's epic.
Westfall is a combination of detective fiction and old-school nostalgia. Anyone who did deadmines 5 years ago MUST do the final bits of the quest chain. I seriously paused netflix and switched to laptop sound to hear it play out.
Redridge loses its terrible escort quests and replaces it with ... Rambo. Yes, Rambo. And it's awesome.

Now it's not all perfect. Must admit that in Swamp of Sorrows, Southern Stranglethorn, and some others that Netflix kept my attention and I dialed in as I knocked out the quests. But as an 85 plowing through Vanilla zones, I expected to dial-in everything. I wuz wrong.

If any of you get the WoW magazine ... there's a quote in the most recent one from Frank Pearce (the Bliz exec in charge of Cata) that expresses a tragic sentiment that they spent 2 hard years on Cata and many players blew threw the content in days. Now, it's cool that folks are so dedicated to dedicate 72 straight hours to a game ... but also impossible for the devs to keep up with. Moral is .... lots of unexpectedly cool work in the old zones. Don't get epix for it ... but does make ya smile. And in the end, what's more valuable.

TL:DR. Harrumph. You're at work and bored and have plenty of time to read my WoT, admit it...
I like your smiley face.

But yea, most of the quests are pretty sweet now, I liked Thousand Needles when I ran through it with my paladin which talks to you about the story of Magatha Grimtotem as well as getting a steamboat item to ride around with in Thousand Needles.
The smiley was inadvertent ... didn't even realize it was there until after I posted. But it seemed appropriate! Wonder if I can get THAT in my sig...

Oooh, that sounds cool in 1k needles. It's all so different than the vanilla quest grind I did to get Loremaster a few years ago...
I guess it depends.

Pros of doing as 85:
* Flying makes it so much easier/faster
* No risk of dying
* If you're after maximizing your achievement point total on a main ... then obviously you want to do the quests on your main. Pretty much every zone has an associated quest achieve worth 10 achievement points now (a very few don't, like Elywyn Forest ... maybe just starting zones). And there are also questing-related achievements (e.g. in EPL there's something about gathering a party). Many zones have a pretty low quest total (e.g. 20-25) ... but some have 70 or more ... so it can range from less than an hour to several hours to mow through the zones, even with level 85 flying and mob-swatting abilities.
* You're more likely to have some sort of summonable vendor ability for easy bag emptying (you accumulate low-level stuff like crazy).
* If you're enchanter, easy accumulation of low-levels mats for stocks or to AH
* If you're power-leveling, gives you a way to accumulate low-level mats in a less mind-numbing (albeit slower) way.

Pros of doing with a right-level alt
* You experience the game mechanics as designed. Example, in Redridge ... there's a number of rambo-related stealth things and you get those whole rambo toolbar and stuff. As an 85, you can pretty much ignore the special abilities and just blow away all the elites without thinking. So you lose some of the coolness. I guess.
* Being forced to do it slower makes it harder to just dial in the quests. I'll admit ... Duskwood MIGHT have had a good storyline associated with, but I wasn't paying much attention as I just zoomed back and forth across the zone in flight form.
I thoroughly enjoy doing all of the old dungeons as 85 (granted this isn't usually quest related - but with the forthcoming transmogrification it's useful).
Burnout is a common theme these days. Crazy to think that we've been playing this game for close to 7 years now. Nothing else comes close.

Anyhow, this is a temporary solution, but a temporary one. Any 85 who hasn't gone back and done the post-catalclysm vanilla zones ... is missing out. While the vanilla zones aren't fundamentally changed ... the quests totallly, totally are. They are much more like the 80-85 zones, with a single storlyline/questline per zone ... than the old-school "go kill 10 boar" or "collect 10 gizzards."

Badlands just can't be missed. It's epic.
Westfall is a combination of detective fiction and old-school nostalgia. Anyone who did deadmines 5 years ago MUST do the final bits of the quest chain. I seriously paused netflix and switched to laptop sound to hear it play out.
Redridge loses its terrible escort quests and replaces it with ... Rambo. Yes, Rambo. And it's awesome.

Now it's not all perfect. Must admit that in Swamp of Sorrows, Southern Stranglethorn, and some others that Netflix kept my attention and I dialed in as I knocked out the quests. But as an 85 plowing through Vanilla zones, I expected to dial-in everything. I wuz wrong.

If any of you get the WoW magazine ... there's a quote in the most recent one from Frank Pearce (the Bliz exec in charge of Cata) that expresses a tragic sentiment that they spent 2 hard years on Cata and many players blew threw the content in days. Now, it's cool that folks are so dedicated to dedicate 72 straight hours to a game ... but also impossible for the devs to keep up with. Moral is .... lots of unexpectedly cool work in the old zones. Don't get epix for it ... but does make ya smile. And in the end, what's more valuable.

TL:DR. Harrumph. You're at work and bored and have plenty of time to read my WoT, admit it...

My cure for burnout was always to roll a new toon. There is just something fun and special about going back to old zones, massive quest reward upgrades, getting new skills, etc.

Bah gilga, your post makes me want to reactivate for a bit and roll a new toon..
As a matter of fact, probably the most fun I ever had in WoW is when I first came over to stonemaul. I rolled an entirely new toon on an entirely new server. I had 0 bags, 0 money, and 0 equipment. Playing up wow the way it was intended was refreshing and fun :)

I can't imagine how awesome the experience would be with new quest lines.
Thanx for the tip on this Gilga. I did the rambo quests and it was pretty fun. When I come back, I think I'll try badlands and westfall. :)
Talk about rolling new chars....I'm the queen of it :p I went bonkers when cata came out. Immediately rolled a worgen, then started playing my other chars. And I love the boa gear. You get the whole 'not dying' part of 85 but you're still leveling :D
Talk about rolling new chars....I'm the queen of it :p I went bonkers when cata came out. Immediately rolled a worgen, then started playing my other chars. And I love the boa gear. You get the whole 'not dying' part of 85 but you're still leveling :D

and then you hit 80 and you get roflstomped by the new content. I dont remember how many times i was like, "O, im in t10, ill just pull these five guys and burn em do--- AHHHHGG!!!"
I enjoyed EPL as well. The caravan storyline and NPC dialogue was just fun. They kind of have a Gimli/Legolas thing going on for a while, and I literally LOLed at some of it. In fact, I can't really think of a zone I didn't enjoy, when I actually took the time to read the quests and go through the story.